The AWS Certified Developer Official Study Guide is your ultimate preparation resource for the latest exam! Covering all exam objectives, this invaluable resource puts a team of AWS experts at your side with expert guidance, clear explanations, and the wisdom of experience with AWS best practices.
The AWS Certified Developer Official Study Guide–Associate Exam is your ultimate preparation resource for the latest exam! Covering all exam objectives, this invaluable resource puts a team of AWS experts at your side with expert guidance, clear explanations, and the wisdom of experience with AWS best practices. You’ll master core services and basic architecture, and equip yourself to develop, deploy, and debug cloud-based applications using AWS.
The AWS Developer certification is earned by those who demonstrate the technical knowledge and skill associated with best practices for building secure, reliable cloud-based applications using AWS technology. This book is your official exam prep companion, providing everything you need to know to pass with flying colors.
Cloud computing offers businesses the opportunity to replace up-front capital infrastructure expenses with low, variable costs that scale as they grow. This customized responsiveness has negated the need for far-future infrastructure planning, putting thousands of servers at their disposal as needed—and businesses have responded, propelling AWS to the number-one spot among cloud service providers. Now these businesses need qualified AWS developers, and the AWS certification validates the exact skills and knowledge they’re looking for. When you’re ready to get serious about your cloud credentials, the AWS Certified Developer Official Study Guide–Associate Exam is the resource you need to pass the exam with flying colors.
Nick specializes in designing and building training labs that educate the U.S. intelligence community on AWS best practices and design patterns. Before this, Nick worked as a cloud support engineer, assisting customers in resolving any number of issues related to AWS DevOps services, with a specific focus on configuration management and infrastructure as code. In his free time, he enjoys building LEGO models with his daughter and watching horror movies with his wife.
Jennifer spent 20 years as a software and data engineer in the financial services, defense, and healthcare industries. She holds a BS in programming and an MS in software engineering management.
Casey is passionate about helping others learn about the AWS Cloud. He enjoys teaching others new technical skills to help them solve problems using serverless technologies such as AWS Lambda. Casey holds a BS in management information systems from the University of Central Florida and an MS in logistics and global supply chain management from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. He is pursuing a second master’s degree in computer science from the Georgia Institute of Technology. Casey holds several IT certifications, including the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and nine AWS certifications. Before joining Amazon, Casey was a software developer and cybersecurity consultant. In his free time, Casey enjoys spending time with his family, watching movies, playing video games, and running.
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