News Wire: PHP 4’s Days are Numbered

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  • Dojo 0.9 beta is out with a significant speed boost, pervasive improvements to accessibility (including keyboard navigation), a revamped and consistent themeing engine for widgets, and redesigned online documentation.
  • The fine folks at Freshview (and Campaign Monitor) have assembled a collection of 30 clean, free, and highly compatible HTML email templates for download—no strings attached.
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  • This article provides a nice summary of client-side performance issues and the solutions available for solving them.
  • A table of HTML tags, with their availability in HTML 3.2, HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.0, as well as the work-in-progress specs, XHTML 1.1, HTML 5, and XHTML 2.0.
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  • An interesting approach to combatting comment spam and bandwidth theft, this .htaccess blacklist will also block legitimate users of mass download and screen scraper products such as GetRight. Whether this is an acceptable tradeoff is up to you.
  • A fascinating look at HTML form design, from the perspective of usability. As described in this article, different form layouts may facilitate different usability goals.
  • Information Architects Japan shares some of the lessons is has learned in building an online business. These lessons include the discovery that giving things away for free works better than charging a little in the hopes of attracting a lot of customers.
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  • This to-do list for newly-installed WordPress blogs is full of really useful (and non-obvious) advice. They should really make some of this stuff part of the installation wizard.
  • A free, online textbook on introductory programming, which uses Java as the language of instruction. This book is directed mainly towards beginning programmers, although it might also be useful for experienced programmers who want to learn about Java.
  • “Brad Neuberg and SitePen have released a new beta of Dojo Offline. This release includes a full port to Google Gears, a port from Dojo 0.4 to 0.9, and more.”
  • This grassroots campaign calls for PHP developers to cease support for PHP 4 in new releases of their projects from Tuesday, February 5th, 2008. Significant projects include Swift Mailer, PHPUnit, Drupal, phpMyAdmin, Typo3 and Symfony.
  • On the 3rd anniversary of PHP 5’s release, the PHP development team has announced that support for PHP 4 will cease at the end of 2007 (with critical security fixes continuing until August 8th, 2008).
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  • A major update to this community-driven Java API reference site includes wiki-based versioned annotations at all levels and, at long last, includes documentation for the Java SE core API.
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  • The W3C HTML 5 WG responds to criticism that the HTML 5 draft specification does not address the need for a specification that describes how HTML documents should be authored, including rich semantics (as opposed to font tags) and consistent syntax.
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  • Google has officially released the Mapplets technology it announced in beta in May. The new name for the technology is Mashups 2.0, and is essentially a plug-in API for Google Maps.
  • John Resig has thrown together an impressive experiment: a virtual browser that will run ”headless” on a web server, or any other environment that can host the Rhino JavaScript engine. This environment is already sophisticated enough to run jQuery!
  • Jack Slocum tackles a few of the myths surrounding the impressive performance gains made recently by the popular JavaScript libraries in their support for CSS-style node selection.
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  • Dojo’s Alex Russell wishes that Jack Slocum’s analysis of CSS selector performance had included Dean Edwards’s Base2 library, claiming it’s the fastest implementation around. This point is debated in the ensuing comments.
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  • Google announces its plans for the ongoing development of Google Gears, including short-term plans for a cross-origin API (allowing site A to access the local database of site B) and improvements to make the Workerpool API easier to use.

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Kevin YankKevin Yank
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Kevin Yank is an accomplished web developer, speaker, trainer and author of Build Your Own Database Driven Website Using PHP & MySQL and Co-Author of Simply JavaScript and Everything You Know About CSS is Wrong! Kevin loves to share his wealth of knowledge and it didn't stop at books, he's also the course instructor to 3 online courses in web development. Currently Kevin is the Director of Front End Engineering at Culture Amp.

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