HTML Table Headers

HTML table headers enhance the clarity and structure of tabular data by providing meaningful labels for rows and columns. They improve data accessibility, readability, and user navigation. Table headers are created using the <th> (table header) element and can be styled or aligned to suit the design and functionality of the table.


      <td>Markup Language</td>
      <td>Structure of a webpage</td>
      <td>Page design</td>


Element Purpose Example
HTML Markup Language Structure of a webpage
CSS Styling Page design

Vertical Table Headers

For data where row headers make more sense, <th> can be placed in the first column of each row.




Category HTML CSS
Difficulty Beginner Intermediate
Usage Structure Design

Aligning Table Headers

The alignment of headers can be customized using the text-align CSS property. This allows headers to match the alignment of the corresponding data cells.


  th {
    text-align: left;

      <td>Defines a table header</td>
      <td>Defines a table cell</td>


Tag Description
<th> Defines a table header
<td> Defines a table cell

Multiple Columns

To make a header span multiple columns, use the colspan attribute.


      <th colspan="2">Frontend Technologies</th>


Frontend Technologies Level
HTML CSS Beginner

Multiple Rows

To create a header that spans multiple rows, use the rowspan attribute.


      <th rowspan="2">Technology</th>
      <th colspan="2">Details</th>


Technology Details
Type Use
HTML Markup Structure
CSS Styling Design

Table Caption

The <caption> tag provides a descriptive title for the table, improving accessibility and context.


  <caption>Programming Language Popularity</caption>


Programming Language Popularity
Language Ranking
Python 1
JavaScript 2

FAQs on HTML Table Headers

Can a table have multiple header rows?

Yes, a table can have multiple header rows by adding multiple <tr> tags within the <thead> element. Each <tr> represents a new row of headers, allowing you to group and organize data more effectively. This is particularly useful for complex tables where additional context is needed at the top, such as a primary header with categories and a secondary header with specific details.

How do I align table headers?

You can align table headers using the CSS text-align property, which controls the horizontal alignment of text within the <th> elements. For example, text-align: left; aligns text to the left, while text-align: center; centers it, and text-align: right; aligns it to the right. By default, headers are center-aligned, but custom alignment can make headers match the alignment of the corresponding data cells for better readability.

What is the purpose of the <th> tag?

The <th> tag defines a table header cell, providing a descriptive label for the data in a specific row or column. Headers created with <th> are bold and center-aligned by default, making them visually distinct from regular table cells. They help users and screen readers understand the structure and meaning of the data in the table, improving accessibility and usability.

Can a header span multiple columns or rows?

Yes, a header can span multiple columns using the colspan attribute or multiple rows using the rowspan attribute. These attributes are applied to the <th> tag and define the number of columns or rows the header should cover. For example, a header with colspan="2" will merge two adjacent columns into a single header cell, which is useful for grouping related data.