Key Takeaways
- Sass can significantly simplify the process of applying color schemes to different sections of a website. By using a mixin, you can assign a theme and color to a function, eliminating the need for repetitive code and making the process more efficient.
- Sass also allows for multiple colors per theme. This can be achieved either by adding a second color to the mixin signature or by using color manipulation functions to create a new color from the first. This flexibility allows for more nuanced and complex color schemes.
- Automating the mixin inclusions can further streamline the process. By using a configuration object to generate all themes dynamically, you can avoid code repetition and keep your code DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself). This can be achieved with a map, a feature available in Sass 3.3.
A lot of sites have a specific color scheme for every section. Even this very site you are reading does this – you are in the blue section AKA CSS. This is a clever design trend to create clear distinctions between various parts of the same entity.
But on the technical side, this can be a pain to work with. Not because it is overly complicated – more because it involves a lot of annoying repetition.
Unless, that is, you automate the process with — let’s say — Sass. Then you have something really easy to work with. Since I have had to do this more than once, I’ll show you how I handle the situation.
How Do Color Schemes Work?
Before getting to the code, we should ask how does color scheming in CSS actually work? Well, if you don’t plan on using any JavaScript (which sounds like a good idea to me) probably the easiest way is setting up a theme class in your HTML and CSS, so that every element that needs to be styled according to the theme becomes a child of this class.
SitePoint follows this method. If you look at the main wrapper that has an ID of #primary
, you’ll see it also has a class of .category-css
. This makes the theme styling easy.
Note: you can read how I deal with themes and layouts with Twig in this article from my own blog.
Once you have the class set up on your wrapper, it is very easy to make your styles conditional. Let’s say you have an element with a class of .element
that needs to be styled according to the theme:
.theme-banana .element {
color: yellow;
.theme-blueberry .element {
color: purple;
.theme-cherry .element {
color: red;
I used the color
property but it could just as well be background
, border-color
or even box-shadow
. Whatever! Even a background position for a sprite or an image path if that’s needed.
It works like a charm but, as you can see, it requires us to type the same thing 3 times in a row. And if we need to add another theme, we have to repeat it yet again. Then if we need to make other stuff conditional to the theme, we need to repeat these kind of rules again and again… There has to be an easier way!
Sass to the Rescue
Wouldn’t it be cool if we could just give the name of the theme and the color to some kind of function so it immediately dumps everything we need? Well that does sound like the perfect use case for a mixin, doesn’t it?
Here’s a simple mixin that we only need to write once:
@mixin theme($name, $color) {
.#{$name} {
.element {
color: $color;
And here is how you would use it:
@include theme(theme-banana, yellow);
@include theme(theme-blueberry, purple);
@include theme(theme-cherry, red);
Abracadabra! And here is what the CSS will look like when it’s compiled (View code here):
.theme-banana .element {
color: yellow;
.theme-blueberry .element {
color: purple;
.theme-cherry .element {
color: red;
Well, that looks neat, doesn’t it? With nothing more than a small mixin and an include per theme, we managed to have all our CSS dumped in like magic. So whenever we need to make something themed, we simply have to update the mixin core to add whatever is needed.
Let’s say we want .other-element
to have a themed background color (View code here):
@mixin theme($name, $color) {
.#{$name} {
.element {
color: $color;
.other-element {
background: $color;
It’s that simple! As you can see, Sass makes color scheming much easier.
Multiple Colors per Theme
Depending on the feel you want to give to your site, you might like to have several colors in a single theme. In such a case, you have two options:
- Plug a second color into the mixin signature (e.g.
). - Use color manipulation functions to produce the new color from the first.
I’d advise using the second option as much as you can because it’s much easier than asking for a second color. That being said, sometimes (often?) designers want to have specific colors that arent’ easy to produce using color functions.
In case you want to try the second option, here is what your mixin might look like (View code here):
@mixin theme($name, $color) {
$primary: $color;
$secondary: lighten(adjust-hue($color, 20), 10%);
.#{$name} {
.element {
color: $primary;
.other-element {
background: $secondary;
Automating the Mixin Inclusions
You may have noticed we still have some code repetition when we include the mixin for each theme. We have to repeat @include theme(/* ... */)
, and that kind of sucks. It’s not very DRY.
What if we had some kind of configuration object that we can use to generate all the themes dynamically? That sounds like the perfect usecase for a map (available in Sass 3.3):
$themes: (
theme-banana: yellow,
theme-blueberry: purple,
theme-cherry: red
) !default;
Note: if you need more than one argument, feel free to use a list as a value (e.g. (banana: yellow orange)
); it is supported.
Now that we have our map set up, we can loop through it and include the theme from within the loop.
@each $theme, $color in $themes {
@include theme($theme, $color);
That being said, there will most likely be only one theme used per page so it might be overkill to include all themes each time. At my company, we include only the theme we need for the current page; hence, minimal CSS output. However this is dependent on your own deploy process, which would be beyond the scope of this article.
Note: if you’re using Sass 3.2, you could use nested lists instead of a map. That works exactly the same.
Final Words
As you can see, making a theme-based site is not only easy to set up but also quite elegant, since you can have your theme configuration in a completely different place (or file) from where the themes are being called.
For instance, you could have your configuration map in a config file (_config.scss
) and your theme instantiations in a theme file (_themes.scss
). Pretty convenient.
Let us know in the comments if if you have any of your own suggestions for using Sass when working with CSS color schemes. And just for fun, below you’ll find a CodePen demo that incorporates these ideas into a theme switcher that’s triggered by JavaScript.
See the Pen Sass Color Schemes Demo by SitePoint (@SitePoint) on CodePen.
Frequently Asked Questions about Dealing with Color Schemes in SASS
What is the significance of using color schemes in SASS?
Color schemes in SASS play a crucial role in enhancing the visual appeal of a website. They help in maintaining consistency across different elements of the website, making it more user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing. By using SASS variables and functions, you can define a color palette and apply it throughout your stylesheets, making it easier to manage and modify the color scheme.
How can I create a color palette using SASS?
Creating a color palette in SASS involves defining a set of variables for each color you want to use. For instance, you can define primary, secondary, and tertiary colors, and then use these variables throughout your stylesheets. This way, if you want to change a color later, you only need to update the variable, and the change will be reflected everywhere the variable is used.
How can I use SASS functions to manipulate colors?
SASS provides several built-in functions that allow you to manipulate colors. For example, you can use the lighten() and darken() functions to create different shades of a color. You can also use the mix() function to blend two colors together. These functions can be very useful for creating a dynamic and flexible color scheme.
How can I implement a dark mode theme using SASS?
Implementing a dark mode theme using SASS involves creating a separate set of color variables for the dark theme and using a media query to apply these colors when the user prefers a dark color scheme. You can use the prefers-color-scheme media feature to detect the user’s preference.
How can I use SASS maps to manage color schemes?
SASS maps are a powerful feature that can be used to manage color schemes. A map is a collection of key-value pairs, where each key is associated with a value. You can define a map for your color scheme, with each color name as a key and the corresponding color value as the value. Then, you can use the map-get() function to retrieve the color values from the map.
How can I use SASS to create a responsive color scheme?
Creating a responsive color scheme with SASS involves using media queries to adjust the color scheme based on the screen size or other characteristics of the device. You can define different color variables for different screen sizes and use these variables within your media queries.
How can I use SASS to create a color scheme for a Bootstrap theme?
When creating a Bootstrap theme, you can use SASS to customize the color scheme. Bootstrap provides a set of SASS variables that you can override to change the default colors. You can also use SASS functions and mixins to create more complex color schemes.
How can I use SASS to create a gradient color scheme?
SASS provides several functions that can be used to create gradient color schemes. For example, you can use the linear-gradient() function to create a linear gradient, or the radial-gradient() function to create a radial gradient. You can also use the color-stop() function to specify the colors and their positions in the gradient.
How can I use SASS to create a color scheme for a Material Design theme?
When creating a Material Design theme, you can use SASS to define the color scheme. Material Design provides a set of color palettes that you can use as a starting point. You can then use SASS variables, functions, and mixins to customize these palettes and create your own unique color scheme.
How can I use SASS to create a color scheme for a dark theme?
Creating a dark theme with SASS involves defining a set of color variables for the dark theme and using these variables throughout your stylesheets. You can also use SASS functions to adjust the colors for the dark theme, for example, by darkening the colors or reducing their saturation.
Non-binary trans accessibility & diversity advocate, frontend developer, author. Real life cat. She/her.
Published in
·APIs·Business·Cloud·Entrepreneur·Libraries·Programming·Software·Software Development·Web·October 13, 2014