Test with no virtual stuff on Mac and ipad and etc for free.
Wow! look at this. http://i.imgur.com/r7hqn22.jpg. That’s IE browser live on my iPad!
Awesome! I got rid of my ‘proper’ Virtualbox install for IE testing and replaced with this - https://github.com/xdissent/ievms
But this is even better! No more GB of crud for IE Testing
Why is no one happy about this? well one. I have it on my Mac now and ipad. It’s a bit buggy but works. Via f12 you can load up all the different versions of ie as well. though buggy as of now
I think the reason no-one is happy about this, is that it is only for the latest version of IE. It’s the older versions that cause difficulties and need testing on, not the latest unreleased version.
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