Why we pay for domain name?

Hello all!

I reallly don’t understand when we pay for domain name, for what we actually pay it for, if you are just maintaining a database?

Please solve my confusion :slight_smile:


Definitely you can. There’s lots of analogies one can use to help understand the
hows and whys of domain registration.

Bottom line is we’re paying for the ability to register and use that domain name,
subject to the terms of your provider. If they’re to find out the actual costs of
registering and managing a domain name, they’ll probably be glad they’ll only pay
a small fee.

and last but not least, you buy domains from a Registrar or from a Registrar’s reseller however you have to keep in mind the Registrar is not maintaining the domains’ database. It’s the Registry’s responsibility (Verisign for .com/.net domains) to maintain the domain’s database and they charge the Registrar a fee to insert a new record (a domain name) into it and that’s why Registrars have no choice but to charge a fee for domain name registrations as well.

If you are maintain database you will not need domain name. Moreover I believe you will not need web hosting.

dont you ever think why we pay for purchasing home, domain purchasing is just like purchasing home but we need to pay its fees yearly or can rent domain for 10 years then renew option is offcourse there.

“Just maintaining” a database like this is an expensive proposition.

You’ve got software, servers, people, overhead, etc…

This isn’t the same as throwing together a MySQL database with a WordPress frontend that keeps contact information on people who are interested in blue pez dispensers.

Great example. Can I use this when my customers ask this same question?

Purchasing a domain name isn’t like purchasing a home (there’s no physical product and you’re not really required to actively maintain the building), but it is like line rental on a cellphone as you’re effectively paying a business a set fee to provide you with a unique contact number (or name) to which traffic and calls can be transferred. It’s pretty much the same as that, you’re paying for the upkeep of the service and the rights for the commodity (which can be valuable). :slight_smile:

On the side, look at all those legal cases involving…what, a $8-$10 a year
technical record? Can make one wonder how or why people would spend lots
of money over something so arguably simple.

Goes to show it’s not as simple and cheap as some might think. Heh.

Domain name is a way of branding your web site and service or social network or forums. That is easy to remember. I suppose you need to check the domain name History to understand that purpose better.

We pay to reserve and register the name for us.