I am in the process of creating a new website, based on a purchased template, and I noticed that it is connecting to other domain when loading but I can’t see why. I saw the following URLs being called: cgi.gstatic.com , p.nexac.com , stpix.media6degrees.com , d.agkn.com , idsync.rlcdn.com , adadvisor.net , d.turn.com , exchange.bdex.com , pixel.c1exchange.com and pix04.revsci.net . The URL is
My question is how can I see where those URLs are called from ?
gstatic.com normally relates to the Google stylesheet you have embedded on your website. The rest sort of sounds like a Google generated ad target. Not really sure since the only one I actually know is the gstatic.com one.
If you view the page source. This line right here should tell you.
<link href="http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:300,400,700" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
I have solved this issue. The culprit was the js that I added for the addthis sharing plugin. I have removed this plugin and it’s loading just fine !
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February 25, 2016, 1:15am
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