Which technologies do the banks use for online banking PHP or ASP.NET?

Which technologies do the banks use when creating their sites for online banking (where you can transfer mone and pay bills) PHP or ASP.NET?

I would imagine that they use ASP since PHP is open source however since I do not use on-line banking I cannot say for sure. I cant imagine any issues with using PHP if they have competent developers though.

JSP a friend says

Yes, because all banks use the same technology.

They probably are using all of the above for various parts of the system, plus a bunch of stuff not listed here. The site for doing the online banking is probably the cheapest, least important part of the stack really.

Having consulted at several banks around the world I can tell you that it varies everywhere, but the main technologies are usually JSP, .NET and PHP. There isn’t really a preferred or set standard technology for their websites, and it will depend on the greater technology focus inside the bank. Some banks are more Microsoft focussed, some are more IBM focussed, some more Java, etc.

Most modern languages are all very secure and robust and well performing - however it comes down to how skilful that language is used by the developers and how well the entire system is architected. You can have a system written in any language but if the developers and designers did not know what they were doing it won’t be very secure.