Which one is more important?

Which is more important to a website onpage or offpage optimization?
Is onpage optimization performs first?

As far as importance is concerned i agree that both are important and as i said your have to do both, but oour mate also asked which one you suggest to do first On page or Off page

Pageupseo, I’d start with the quality of the English on your website. That’s going to have an effect on your business whether you’re at the top of the SERPs or on page 4.

Even your testimonials don’t smell right. A testimonial starting with “Thanks you” doesn’t inspire confidence. Are they even real testimonials?

90% of SEO should be done off site. Get your on site right first though. LOL regarding the builder comment…sorry but it’s too true.

If your on Firefox search for a free add-on called “SEO Doctor”. It will guide you with your on-page SEO. (h1, h2 tags, etc)

To answer your question, both are very important! But off-page is where the juice comes from so make sure that is correct and you can always adjust our on-page accordingly.

On-page SEO becomes very simple once you start optimizing for human visitors. Optimization for search engines is only a small extension of common activities to make the page attractive.

Yes but the onsite part is the foundations on which the offsite part is built.

If you want to start a company, what would you like to do? First informing the clients about the site or first cleaning your company? Search Engine is there for the inspection. So first make your site neat and clean as SE like’s it then go for linking with others make good friends to let the search engine know you are a good boy. :slight_smile:

You’re touting for SEO business and you have to ask that question? Jeez, no wonder the SEO business is in such a dire state, when people who claim to be in the business haven’t got the faintest clue what they’re doing. Would you expect a builder to advertise his services as a builder, and then go round asking “Is it better to start with the walls or the foundations?” … no, because he would learn the job first before taking paid work that he wasn’t capable of doing. So why is it different in SEO? Why is it that we see the tricksters and shysters who know NOTHING selling their services in SEO?

Rant over. For the moment.

On-page optimisation is much easier, because you have direct control over the contents of your site - you can change it and improve it however you want. For a start, as Raffles says, you can improve the quality of the content - not just the language but generally improve the overall credibility, and get rid of those stupid scammy keyword-stuffed footers. Seriously, no-one who has footers like that has any business offering SEO services. That’s like George W Bush offering coaching in oratory and the English language. And no-one offering services related to websites should have over 80 validation errors on their homepage. Come on, if you can’t even do a vaguely competent job on your own site, why on earth do you think anyone is going to employ you to do theirs?

OK, I lied about the rant. Now it’s over. Maybe.

Off-page optimisation comes after you’ve got a decent site, and after you’ve done the on-page stuff. The whole point about off-page optimisation is that you are persuading other people to link to your site. You’ll only be able to get good quality links if you can show that you have a good quality site. If your site looks like something a hyperactive 5-year-old drew up then there’s not a lot of point in asking people to link to it, because the chances are that they won’t. If your site looks slick and professional and has great content, it’s a whole load easier to get links to it.

Your on-page optimization needs to be done first. That’s how Google spiders know what you’re trying to rank for, and where to put you If your site itself isn’t properly optimized, there is no point in trying to build links to it.

Once your on-page stuff is done, it’s time to move off-site. However, you can’t just let your site sit and get stale. Google likes sites that have fresh, updated, unique content. You’ll need to keep adding good SEO content to keep it fresh, while you also focus on your off-site techniques.

Both Are Most Important. First do the on-page optimization like keyword reserch,creat meta title,meta discription and etc. and after do the off-page like directory submission,blog posting,article submission,PR submission etc.

Without optimized title tags, meta data, URLs and page copy, you are not going to be found in the search results. Without on-page optimization and promotion of relevant content that speaks to your target audience, Without visibility you will miss out on traffic .

Both are extremely important.In on-site seo you to work with your site like putting fresh articles,checking broken links,adding meta keyword etc and you have complete control on on-site seo.In off site seo you have to do lots of work to promote your site and to increase your site ranking and you dont have any control on this job.

This is so true. onsite part comes first. You can’t water the plant before actually planting the seed. Did that make any sense. lol

IMO, both are important but onpage optimization comes first where as offpage optimization comes on second position. but if we fail anywhere whether it is onpage or offpage optimization, we will need get the best results.

Well in my point of view both are very important because Onpage is the backbone of your website success and offpage is important to achieve good SERPs for your website.

Yes, both are important on page and off page optimization. Off page optimizatin helps to ranking and on page optimization helps to ctr.

We’re starting to go in circles now.

To sum up: both are important but you need to start with on-page optimization so your page is looking good (in terms of SEO) before it even makes sense to start with the off-page optimization.

Thread closed.