Where can I find design/dev clients?

Hey all,

I have several years experience designing and developing custom WordPress themes (from scratch and from frameworks) but my portfolio doesn’t reflect this.

There’s a lot of stuff I can’t put in my portfolio because I’ve been a temp/contractor under NDAs, fixing little bugs and such, thus not permitted to put my employer’s work in my portfolio.

So I need new work, and am not sure where to go looking for clients. Specifically I’d like to work with coaches who might need opt-ins, forms, quizzes, and such, and have no time/interest in “that fiddly tech stuff”.

Any ideas on where to advertise, and how to market myself when I have essentially nothing in my portfolio?

Thank you

kpizel… just build websites?

Google the following:

“open source software”
“local charities”

Develop websites (for no charge) to the same standard of the leaders of each field. You can then show the world your amazing work and from my experience, individuals associated with open source and charity work, tend to know some powerful (and rich) folk.

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