Just to bring some of you guys in the loop, VS 2010 SP1 has been released to MSDN already, and will be release to the General Public Tomorrow (3/10). BTW, the install was flawlessly.
IE 9 Will be release March 14. Look out for it, this is going to be a game-changing Browser. It looks beautiful and will blow Firefox and Chrome out of the water with the looks and features.
If you want to be an MSDN Subscriber for FREE go to:
You will get a subscription for 3 years to download all FULL functioning software that is sold in retail stores. Including VS Pro 2010, Expression Studio 4, SQL Server 2008, and Windows Server 2008. If you don’t do it, you are not breathing!
Sweet. Got the MS File Transfer runnnig. Gonna burn off a few things to DVD.
Marc, here’s a hint. Since it’s tied to your live.com account, edit that first and make sure your employment section reflects something that makes sense. Also make sure the address and phone match the whois lookup on whatever domain you plug in.
Yeah, I fibbed a little on my register to. Glad you signed up SerenaRules, I never thought MS would do this in a million years, but glad they did. MS’s previous venture was to give retail version software for free for College students, DreamSpark.
Noble, but you should take advantage of every opportunity you can get in life. God knows I spend enough on 7 and Office 10. Misrepresenting this is not illegal, unlike music/movie down loaders. This is open to EVERYONE, and should not be based on what radio button you check! Do you see Adobe doing it? I will have an extra $1,000+ in my account to go toward essentials (Car, House, Food, .ect).
Their is no limit to the number of people taking advantage of this offer, just like DreamSpark.
The problem is if you misrepresent things, build a great app and get clipped you are probably on the hook for big cash or perhaps even for your IP.
Adobe doesn’t have a lot of free competition in their space. But on this front, MS is fighting against a variety of free stacks that have got all the startup buzz because it makes it much more possible to scale for a lot less dough, especially dough up front. The whole idea here is to capture the next app that was going to be running on rails because the founders couldn’t afford MS servers and development tools out of the gate.
I called Microsoft directly. They specifically said I wasn’t eligible because I no longer worked for a “web design company” even though I do it on the side but they said that they’d send me something that I may be interested in but I never got the email.