#UXFriday - Would you spend an hour a week to help colleagues?

My name is Boaz Rossano, and I’m a UX/UI Designer over 25 years, and a long time design educator (in several design colleges in Israel).

I recently started a new initiative called #UXFriday and wanted to tell you about it, hopefully others will join it.

Every Friday I dedicate 1 hour (2 sessions of 30 minutes) to colleagues (mostly entrepreneurs, product managers and UX designers) that would like to get a quick Expert Review of their product, or a professional advice on a UX challenge they face, for free .

I thought this might be a good way to bond our UX design community, share knowledge, and improve the overall trust in our profession.

What do you think? Would you spend an hour a week to help colleagues?

I’d love to hear your thoughts,
Boaz Rossano

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