Using setAttribute with the SVG path arc

In XHTML, the following code works:

svg id = "My_SVG" xmlns="" height="500" width="500"

path id="Bezier_Curve_2" d="M 300, 200 A 20, 20 0,0,1 340,200" stroke="red" stroke-width="3" fill="none"

I want to break this code apart so I can store it inside my eXist database. Here are the things I do know.

I can store the path id inside a variable like this:

var Bezier_Curve_Identification;
var Attribute;
var Coordinate;
var Bezier_Curve_Identification = document.getElementById("Bezier_Curve_1");
Attribute = "M";
Coordinate = "300, 200";
Bezier_Curve_Identification.setAttribute(Attribute, Coordinate;)

How do I store all the other attributes and coordinates inside the Attribute and Coordinate variables?

A path element doesnt have an ā€œMā€ attribute, it has a ā€œdā€ attribute that contains a string of svg pen commands that draws the shape.

To be precise, your example contains the string
M 300, 200 A 20, 20 0,0,1 340,200, which translates as:
Move the pen to 300, 200.
Draw an arc with x and y radii of 20 (so a circle), with no rotation (which makes sense for a circle arc), on the short arm but with sweep, ending at 340, 200.

So what youā€™re saying is I should store the letter d in the Attribute variable and then store M 300, 200 A 20, 20 0,0,1 340,200 in the Coordinate variable.


Thanks for the information. Another group suggested using the querySelector() statement to do a function similar to the document.getElementById statement. Would using the querySelector() be a good substitute for the document.getElementById statement?

The statements are roughly equivalent in this case, because the element has an Id. If it didnt have an Id, you would need to use a function that could find the element, such as querySelector.

Thanks for the information. Where Iā€™m at itā€™s getting late. But I will play with this information both tonight and tomorrow morning. I will let you know the results of my experiments sometime tomorrow afternoon. I really appreciate all of your information.

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And a hearty good morning to one and all. I guess I still donā€™t know what Iā€™m doing. Here is my latest code from my Setup() function.

var Bezier_Curve_Identification;
    var Attribute_Name;
    var coordinate;
    Bezier_Curve_Identification = document.getElementById('Bezier_Curve_1');
    Attribute_Name = "d"
    coordinate = "M 300, 200 A 20, 20 0,0,1 340,200";
    Bezier_Curve_Identification.setAttribute = (Attribute_Name, coordinate);
    Bezier_Curve_Identification.setAttribute = ("style", "stroke: red; stroke-width: 3; fill: none;")

When I click the button on my XHTML button, nothing happens. I hope someone here can assist me.

I have made further adjustments to my code. I hope someone can assist me:

function Setup2() {
    var SVG_Def;
    var Bezier_Curve_Identification;
    var Attribute_Name;
    var coordinate;
    document.getElementById("My_Text").value = "I'm right here.";
    SVG_Def = document.getElementById("My_SVG");
    Bezier_Curve_Identification = SVG.getElementById('Bezier_Curve_1');
    Bezier_Curve_Identification.setAttributeNS = ("", "'d'", "'M 300, 200 A 20, 20 0,0,1 340,200'");
    Bezier_Curve_Identification.setAttributeNS = ("", "'style'", "'stroke: blue; stroke-width: 3; fill: none;'");

dont put the (single) quotes inside the (double) quotes.

setAttributeNS is for namespace properties (things that have colons in them, like ā€œspec:attributeā€). Use setAttribute for regular attributes.

Thanks for all the advice. I did some further research and was able to finally develop code that actually works. But before I share it with everyone, I will modify the code so it will work with the eXist database. The intent is to execute Javascript code to retrieve the Bezier curve coordinates. Then I will store the coordinates in Javascript variables. Finally I will use the setAttribute property to display my Bezier curve. This will come in handy when I start producing animations. I will keep you posted.

Hi megelinic,

To format your code in posts. Select the code and click on the </> icon in the menu at the top of the text editor. This will wrap the code in opening and closing ticks e.g. ``` my code here ```

In addition there are certain conventions in JS. A function name that starts with a capital letter indicates the function is a constructor function for making objects, a bit like a class.

Also variable names in JS are usually defined with camelCase rather than snake_case.

So your last function could be written like this

function setup(svg) {
  document.getElementById('my-text').value = "I'm right here.";
  const svgDef = document.getElementById('my-svg');
  const bezierCurveIdentification = svg.getElementById('Bezier_Curve_1');
  bezierCurveIdentification.setAttributeNS = (
    '', 'd', 'M 300, 200 A 20, 20 0,0,1 340,200'
  bezierCurveIdentification.setAttributeNS = (
    '', 'style', 'stroke: blue; stroke-width: 3; fill: none;'

You can obviously write your code however you like, but just thought I would share that :slight_smile:

And a hearty good evening to you as well. I wanted to thank everyone for their sage advice. I will keep this information for future reference. I finally fixed some of my computer code. But I ran into a new error and I thought someone could assist me with this error. Here is my current XHTML code:

<html xmlns="">
          <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://localhost:8080/exist/rest/db/apps/HTML_Student/SVG_Bezier_Curve.css"/>
          <script language="javascript" src="http://localhost:8080/exist/rest/db/apps/HTML_Student/SVG_Bezier_Curve_2.js">
         <input type="text" id="My_Text" value="I was here."/>
         <input type="button" onclick="Setup2()"/>
         <input type="button" onclick="Setup()"/>
         <p id="My_Paragraph"/>
         <svg xmlns="" id="My_SVG" height="500" width="500">
         <path id="Bezier_Curve_1"/>
         <path id="Bezier_Curve_2" d="M 300, 200 A 50, 50 0,0,1 400,200" stroke="red" stroke-width="3" fill="none">

Here is my Javascript Code:

function Setup() {
    var Bezier_Curve_Identification;
    var Attribute_Name;
    var Attribute_Name_2;
    var Coordinate;
    var My_Properties;
    document.getElementById("My_Text").value = "My Setup.";
    Attribute_Name = "d";
    Attribute_Name_2 = "style";
    My_Properties = "stroke: blue; stroke-width: 3; fill: none;";
    Coordinate = "M 300 200 A 20 20 0 0 0 400 200";
    Bezier_Curve_Identification = document.getElementById('Bezier_Curve_1');
    Bezier_Curve_Identification.setAttribute(Attribute_Name, Coordinate);
    Bezier_Curve_Identification.setAttribute(Attribute_Name_2, My_Properties);
function Setup2() {
    var SVG_Data;
    var Retrieved_Data;
    SVG_Data = new XMLHttpRequest();
"GET","http://localhost:8080/exist/rest/db/apps/HTML_Student/SVG_Bezier_Curve.xq", true);
          SVG_Data.onreadystatechange = function () {
              if (SVG_Data.readyState == 4) {
              Retrieved_Data = SVG_Data.responseText;
              document.getElementById("My_Text").value = "Retrieved_Data " + Retrieved_Data;}

Here is my XML Data:

<SVG_Data_Collection xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" SVG_Bezier_Curve_Data_Schema.xsd">
         <Coordinate_Start>300 200</Coordinate_Start>
         <Bezier_Arc>20 20 0 0 0</Bezier_Arc>
         <Terminal_Coordinate>400 200</Terminal_Coordinate>
         <Style_Color>stroke: red;</Style_Color>
         <Style_Width>stroke-width: 3;</Style_Width>
         <Style_Fill>fill: none;</Style_Fill>
         <Coordinate_Start>300 200</Coordinate_Start>
         <Bezier_Arc>20 20 0 0 0</Bezier_Arc>
         <Terminal_Coordinate>400 200</Terminal_Coordinate>
         <Style_Color>stroke: blue;</Style_Color>
         <Style_Width>stroke-width: 3;</Style_Width>
         <Style_Fill>fill: none;</Style_Fill>

Here is my XQuery:

xquery version "3.0";
declare default element namespace "";
declare option exist:serialize "method=text media-type=text/plain";
let $header-addition := response:set-header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin","*")
let $doc := doc("SVG_Bezier_Curve_Data.xml")/SVG_Data_Collection/Bezier_Curve_1;
let $First_Data_Name := $doc/Main_Attribute;
let $Data := concat($First_Data_Name, "*");
let $Second_Data_Name := $doc/Initial_Attribute;
let $Data := concat($Data, $Second_Data_Name, "-");
let $Third_Data_Name := $doc/Coordinate_Start;
let $Data := concat($Data, $Third_Data_Name, "-");
let $Fourth_Data_Name := $doc/Arc_Attribute;
let $Data := concat($Data, $Fourth_Data_Name, "-");
let $Fifth_Data_Name := $doc/Bezier_Arc;
let $Data := concat($Data, $Fifth_Data_Name, "-");
let $Sixth_Data_Name := $doc/Terminal_Coordinate;
let $Data := concat($Data, $Sixth_Data_Name);
return $Data

And here is the error message I receive when I click the button:

Retrieved_Data <?xml version="1.0" ?>/db/apps/HTML_Student/SVG_Bezier_Curve.xqexerr:ERROR org.exist.xquery.XPathException: err:XPST0003 expecting "return", found ā€˜;ā€™ [at line 4, column 79]

Iā€™m not sure what Iā€™m doing wrong. I hope you can assist me.

well, i dont know xquery all that well, but given that line 4 is the one marked by the error, and the error is that it expected something and found something else, and line 4 is the only line in your xquery that doesnt end with a semicolonā€¦ I can make a blind guessā€¦

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