TradePub anyone? (free magazines affiliate)

Anyone used

You link to free magazines. The visitor fills a form with details and the publisher decides if he qualifies. If he qualifies, he receives a (one year) free subscription to the magazine, and you get some money. Everybody’s happy. Or is it?

INteresting, I know I get an industry related magazine for free each year! It’s a great read and comes weekly :slight_smile: I may look into this.

I’ve seen similar free magazine subscription offers on MaxBounty, never really ran any of them and am not sure if there is any catch involved.

I see big sites such as and are using them.

How much do you get per lead?

I don’t know yet, they emailed me an affiliate link and the instructions for setting up links to magazines, but no affiliate panel where I can see statistics, revenue information, etc.

I emailed them. As soon as I get the answer, I will let you know :wink:

They replied. Revenue information is emailed every Monday. They seem very friendly.

Let us know if it’s worth to get involved with it. They once emailed me as well but my site has so small number of visitors that I thought it would just take place for nothing.

i use tradepub. They are great to work with. you get .50 per mag signup but if you have two months in a row where u have over 200 (i think) signups you get bumped to a dollar per mag signup.

You’re right. Leads depends on the number of signups. And also depends on the type/traffic of your site.

do note it is per qualifying signup… as there was one time i had 300 people singup but on 35 qualified…

Interesting. How to sign up? Through partner link? Any idea how they are going to pay?

they pay by check I cant remember if it is 1 month out or two…

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