Anyone worked with adside?


I’ve just been contacted for advertising by AdSide.

Never heard of 'em before but I tried out their anchor ads and they’re working pretty well for me.

Question is, do they pay ? As publishers you know we pretty much always have to be on the lookout for rogue networks. So please help me out folks with any info that you might have : )


Yeah I’d have to say that the CPC was much better than adsense for me. As for the eCPM, in my case it was higher. But I can’t honestly judge this since I haven’t used adsense for a few years now. My site always does low CTRs so again, can’t compare :frowning:

These guys only show up for US/CA/UK/AUS traffic so I can’t really monetize my entire inventory with them. However, their anchor unit is pretty neat/innovative and can be run in addition to the current ads you have. I’m using only that unit at the moment cause I haven’t been able to find space for their regular IAB units.

Just wanted to update you folks here with info that adside DOES infact pay.

They also have pretty decent ecpm’s (they’re a cpc network with some innovative formats…) so you might want to check them out.

I just received my payment for August 2010 bang on time.

What was the eCPM / click-through ration?

is it better/worse/a lot worse then Adsense?

Yeah they pay NET30 via Paypal and Check. They look quite legit and are a part of doclix. Has anyone here worked with either ?

Might be a gamble, have you talked with them about their payment options?

are they pretty fair on pricing on advertising. I did some checking around with other promotion media and the cost was a bit high.

I have tried adside as well and it is a legit advertising. You should ask a support team from them and maybe you can settle things then.