Social Media Optimization

What is Smo , tell me brief about smo

Welcome to the forums, @stepforadder.

Really, that’s the kind of question you could answer more quickly for yourself with a quick Internet search. For example:

If you have more specific question about SMO, or there’s something you don’t understand, feel free to post again.

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SMO is stands for social media optimization that means improve your social profiles. Use rich content and proper linking structure to build up social profiles. To follow your business niche people and post what people wants. In short understand your community requirements and provide what they want.
These are the activities, that will help you to increase your social media traffics.

Social media optimization is the process of creating awareness about your product or services by using number of social media outlets like facebook,google+,twitter, etc,.

Let’s say you have launched your new product or a blog or a website. If you want to drive traffic towards your product, you use SMO (social media optimization). All you need to do is, spread the word about your product on social sites like Facebook, twitter, pinterest, etc so that they can get an idea that you have launched a new product and they share the word! This is how you gain traffic to your product!