Yes, I’d tried that too, with the same result.
So far, it remains one of life’s mysteries.
Yes, I’d tried that too, with the same result.
So far, it remains one of life’s mysteries.
A bit like the rest of DIscourse then!
Hi there TechnoBear,
I also noticed that oddity, I also noticed that the
SitePoint logo makes a brief appearance before
being overcome by the Discourse logo.
I’ve been trying to spot that behaviour, ever since you mentioned it, but so far no luck.
I would imagine that my old eyes would
be much less perceptive than yours.
So, that cannot be the reason why I see it. .
Probably my old Dell XPS8300 computer
is just a great deal slower than yours.
I think I got in 2012 and it’s probably a bit
like Trigger’s broom.
Hi there TechnoBear,
I have just noticed the return of the SitePoint Icon in Firefox’s tab.
Hopefully, you have had a similar experience with Ubuntu.
I hadn’t noticed , but now you point it out yes, it’s back.
Doesn’t seem to be a Firefox update, so presumably something has changed at the SP/Discourse end.
You can now safely close this thread, then.
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