Site randomly crashes IE8

Hi there,

I’ve developed for a mate of mine. The site now randomly crashes IE8 - randomly means: it occurs frequently but without recognisable pattern on IE8 installations of three different people and computers. And of course it all works fine in any other browser.

Example: go to
then click on “About Us” - fairly often IE8 crashes, but not always. Sometimes conducting a search crashes it, sometimes it works fine.

I’ve looked into common causes of IE8-crashes, but could not find a single one on this site. I’ve developed my share of sites, but I simply cannot figure out what causes IE to crash here.

Any pointers would be appreciated.



I’d start by validating the html and checking for script errors.

Thanks, I found the culprit by process of elimination - and one of the most bizarre bugs I’ve ever encountered. The cause of the crash was in the stylesheets (CSS). The highly innocent line

background: url(…/images/cycle-hire-bg.png) repeat-x #DAF5B5;

was the cause of all this trouble. It’s 100% valid, everything about it is fine. But our good friend IE8 doesn’t like it when that’s done before jQuery is loaded. I’ve created a work-around and now things work fine.