Hi all, my site map does not seem to working correctly, my pages seemed to be taking a long time to be indexed.( It’s not showing all pages only 60) I have Google XML Sitemaps installed, i noticed it needed updating and thought this was the problem, but No.Reinstalled it and also tried Very Simple Sitemap, but still no joy. i did update to version 3.5 quite recently wonder if this is the issue. Any have any thoughts or same problem.wordpress.org
Well, indexation process is totally a different from sitemap, its just how the Search engine treats your site (Preferring the Backlink) and make the hard copy of yours blog… ! So dnt worry, it will be indexed soon… (For some new blogs, it takes a week for complete index)…
About the sitemap, it might be a issue of the Plugin, try some better one…
I’m assuming you’re using Wordpress…
If it’s a small site, you might be better off just going to xml-sitemaps.org and creating a new sitemap, then uploading it to your root directory.
There is no golden rule on how long it will take to get your pages indexed.
Some may never be indexed. I would recommend visiting an xml sitemap creator and submitting the results to google. Although this is manual it may give you better results.
Also note, even without a sitemap, if your pages are accessible via your website google will find them anyway.