Hey all. This topic has been on my mind quite often, especially when browsing poor websites.
Do you guys think that it is a good idea to solicit, or approach a client w/ your services if you see an opportunity to do so?
For instance, say I’m on examplesite.com. I see that it’s poorly designed, invalid markup, and is arranged in a table. Is it a good idea to approach that business (say it’s a local coffee shop) and ask them if they want a new website (and slyly work in a price somewhere in the conversation)?
This isn’t so much a “what should I do?” question, more of a discussion question.
Additional Questions:
Should you change your price any?
Is there a specific way you would approach the client?
You can try this, but you have to be prepared for a lot of rejections. (We get a lot of people coming to our door at home, telling us that we should switch energy suppliers. It’s incredibly annoying, so those guys need a thick skin to survive. Think of it from the client’s point of view before you get too bold.)
Another option is to get to know the people first—such as becoming a regular customer—and over time letting them know what you do … and perhaps mentioning at some point that their site could be improved … or preferably waiting until they ask you about your services.
Do you think there’s an advantage to soliciting a somewhat-obscure service like Web Design as opposed to, say, asking for money from a charity or to change energy companies?
It depends on you, your personality and professional approach. For me, it’s definitely a big NO. It feels cheap to me, out of place, audacious and far too bold. There are so many ways to get clients, cold-calling and the like is the worst of them, imo.