Shopping cart for an eComerce website

I have an clothes ecomerce website for a client. The client doesn’t want to use, wordpay, or other sistem like this. He wants me to put his bank account on the website and when the client is gonna pay with his card, the money will go in his account.
Can someone give an advise how to do this? I mean how to put his bank account.

I’m sorry, but I wasn’t clear.
I started in Joomla, with Virtue Mart, an eCommerce website for a client, from Romania. The problem is that in Romania I did’t find any company or bank that has module for Virtue Mart, like, for ex RBS Bank or, that have a module for this shopping cart. I found that RBS doesn’t work with Romania, so I can’t use that module.
There is only one service in Romania, Gecad, that can do online transactions. They have no idea what Joomla is, because I spoke with them, and they told me every time that I have to develop the module for joomla, if I want to use their service. I’m not so advance to develop a joomla module for this.
Thus, I’m asking: is there anyone from Romania, or outside, who have or made an eCommerce website for a company from Romania? If there is, please tell me how and with what service you did it. Doesn’t matter if you did it with Joomla or just simple PHP.
Someone said about PayPal. If you have a Romanian PayPal account you can’t ask for that signature(that is under your profile), because you don’t have this option, like any other country.

Certainly, the guy doesn’t get how the intertubes work :wink:

Thank you. I will look to see if those companies have services for Romania.

I don’t know for sure but there’s a high chance that PayOnlineSystem, ChronoPay or Gate2Shop work in Europe and perhaps in Romania.

What you are asking for cannot be done as every payment must be encrypted. To do this, you must use a gateway. Is cost a factor for you? If you can give me a little more info, I’ll try to help you find the answers you need.

You cannot save the CVV and be compliant…

The model your client wants is a really bad
idea and not likely to work

Major shopping cart apps usually have a module that just saves card numbers and CVVs to the database and your client can then read this information and charge the cards manually, through some device or webpage provided by his bank.

In this case you need a very secure hosting service that conforms to PCI DSS requirements.

some banks like PNC will offer the processing service… but you still need a Gateway…

Website > Gateway > Processor > Bank

your client wants to skip 2 steps and go straigt to his bank… its not possible

I am going to assume he will have to have his bank offer some sort of ‘digital’ processing. I know a few major banks will offer something similar to Paypal’s (Pay Now) button.

However, in the long run, your client will find that buyers prefer Paypal over banks nearly 95% of the time.