Setting fonts in CSS

I’m trying to use the Quicksand font throughout my site, and on checking, I think I’ve got it right, but it’s not working, as font is showing up as times new roman. My CSS is here:

I’ve looked through the html, and there’s nothing there which overrides the CSS setting.
Any help very welcome.

You’ve got something else (do you have other css files perhaps) because that renders fine as is in codepen (had to add some html for it to test it but…)

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@Dave, I’d got trigger happy with the delete key in my index, and had got rid of the line which specified CSS.
Many thanks.

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Happens far too often to all of us…

@Dave, If this is outside the remit of this forum, please forgive, but:
I’ve no sight, and as a result, verifying fonts/colours etc can be a little tricky. I’m aware of the can be tricky. Someone suggested using devtools in Edge, but that looks extremely complicated. is there an easier way?

Are you talking for accessibility? Or just looks?

If you’re talking accessibility, I like the Axe DevTools browser plugin. It does full accessibility scanning, including color contrast, which is what it seems you’re asking for.

axe DevTools - Web Accessibility Testing - Chrome Web Store

If you’re talking what looks good together, that’s a whole other layer of complexity as it gets into color theory and a multitude of other subjects which there just isn’t a tool for, though there are some color pallette generator tools out there - a quick google search will bring most of them up, and (to me), they all work just about equally well.