SEO geek built her first website :)

Hey Guys! I am new to this forum, but I think it will provide me with a ton of useful connections and feedback.

A little background on me: I have been working in SEO for about 3 years now, and up until recently, I did not want, care, know how to anything with webdesign, we have designers at our firm, so I had no real reason to learn. We work primarily with Joomla and wordpress sites, so I know the ins and outs of those CMS’s pretty well. But I have never started from nothing and built something up.

With my SEO knowledge, I decided to try out an affiliate marketing website for sport supplements. I know how to get the SEO down, but I am struggling with ways to make my website an affiliate converting machine! I have read up on in a ton, but I would be curious to know if anyone else has been successful doing this.

My site is only about a month old, but I have been working on it basically non stop. I would absolutely LOVE any (constructive) feedback on design, my affiliate conversion approach, niche tips, etc.

Anyway, opinions are appreciated!!!
What Supp Fitness

I’ll mainly focus on content, as that’s the most important thing. From an outsider’s point of view, I’m always wary when I see certain things, such as—

  • site text that hasn’t been well edited. I recommend you hire a proofreader or editor to tidy up the text, as it’s full of distracting errors which also compromise trust.
  • lack of info about you. The first thing I ask myself is Who are you? Where are you? I don’t see any answers to that, and the claim of being friendly and trustworthy on the contact page doesn’t make up for that! You really need to be up front about who and where you are—especially when you are trying to sell potentially dangerous health products. (Otherwise, I give you next to no chance of selling anything.)

Hope that helps!

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I’ll start with a few technical bits :slight_smile:

There are numerous HTML errors, and inline CSS being inserted such as

<li data-transition="random" data-slotamount="7" data-masterspeed="300"  data-saveperformance="off"  .rev_slider_wrapper { border-bottom: 0 !important; }>

Home page weighs in at 4mb (3.4mb compressed), that’s large by anyone’s standards. About 3/4 of that is Javascript of which you’re calling in 16 individual scripts so it’s worth combining those into as few as possible to reduce http requests. It’s also worth only pulling in Javascript that you’re actually using on each page.

You’ve also got 7 stylesheets weighing in at 0.4mb which is a huge amount for such a site, again combine into fewer stylesheets and removed unused CSS to bring file size down.

If it were my site I’d be looking to bring total page size down to well below 1mb and reduce http requests as far as possible. As you’ll know site speed is everything nowadays!


This is so awesome, thank you. As I said, I am learning the technical side of everything so I really appreciate your tips. I was wondering if you could give me some pointers on how to get some of these things done?


Thank you! I honestly have been rushing through the content, I will have to go back in there and watch my grammar and punctuation. I also have been thinking about adding a “the creator of this site” sort of thing. Have a photo and a small paragraph about my background. Thoughts?

Go for it! It would certainly make a big difference for a visitor like me. :slight_smile:

I added a lead in bio to my sidebar, plan on writing a full bio page very soon. Take a look if you want. I appreciate you pushing this idea through, I think it will make a big difference for sure.

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OK, that’s a good start, although make sure the About Us info is easy to find (footer link etc.) Also, there is some About Us text on the home page, so make sure that links out to the final About Us info.

I hadn’t noticed before that the business name doesn’t match the URL. Ideally, the two would be the same.