Reliable host for a video storage / sharing website?

Hi everyone,

I own and its going to be a large Action Sports video/image storage and community for BMX, Skateboarding, MotoX, Surfing, Etc. I am looking for a host that is capable of the following:

PHP 5 >
Apache Web Server
MySQL (version 4 +)
Apache mod_rewrite Enabled
PHP Configuration (php.ini): register_argc_argv = On
Must be able to run PHP from the command line (CLI) with exec()
Allowed execution of background processes with exec(“binary > /dev/null &”)

PHP Configuration

* safe_mode = off
* max_execution_time = 1000 (recommended to prevent timeouts during video upload/conversion)
* session.gc_maxlifetime = 14000 (recommended to prevent session expires during video upload)
* open_basedir = (no value)
* output_buffering = on
* upload_max_filesize = 200M (recommended maximum video upload size in MB)
* post_max_size = 200M (recommended maximum video upload size in MB)

GD Library 2 or higher
Mplayer + Mencoder
Libogg + Libvorbis
LAME MP3 Encoder

Just window shopping for hosts with these features, looking for a nice value but also something with a good reputation. Any recommendations?

I realize you may be looking for a virtual hosting solution, but based on your specs you really do need a dedicated server with a good system admin to tweak it specifically for your needs.

I recommend where you can find manage (& unmanaged) servers. If you end up with an unmanaged server, send me a PM and I’ll recommend a good admin guy.

Good luck!

A quality VPS may be a temporary solution while the site is growing, and upgrades should be easy enough. Terms of service should be read carefully, as sometimes limits are placed on what purpose the VPS may be used for.

I agree. If you are not so huge for dedicated server that is recommended to get started with smaller solution such as VPS is.

Most likely shared hosting provider will kick you out shortly due to server overload. I suggest going with dedicated server to be sure you have enough resources.

Thanks for the suggestions everyone. All things considered.

I may have a temporary host as I do beta testing and create content for the official launch, which seems more economical anyway.

i currently use ipower for my website… they have proven to be very reliable and provide a large amount of bandwidth/storage space options

Absolutelly. As you are going to use forum software I recommend you make sure about PHP and MySQL needed versions are supported.