Payment gateway without registration

I have seen Stripe payment gateway without registration of user but only a form with the contact details and input fields for a card. Is this secure and protected by Stripe as it means anybody can put data and a stolen card?

It is an eCommerce and called registration as ‘Guest’ due to speed purchase steps.

It is not unusual now for eCommerce sites to offer a guest checkout for users who don’t register an account.
Card fraud is something to watch out for whether the user has an account or not.
Does registering an account make things significantly more secure? A fraudster can enter false details to an account. Though some sites that deal with more sensitive issues can have more robust account verification.
I don’t know the specific ins & outs of how Stripe works, but imagine, like other payment gateways, it will have algorithms to detect fraud, but like any system, won’t be infallible.
In the end, you need to the people processing orders to always be vigilant, checking the security status of transactions and looking out for anything suspicious. For physical goods to be shipped, checking for anomalies in the addresses can be a give-away. Though it is not unusual for legitimate buyers to use a different shipping address to the billing address. But you sometimes see things like a postcode that does not match the written address and suchlike.

Stripe payment gateway is default with wordpress woocommerce website for card payment and manage easily for customers payment secure but there is not much options for payment and transition failed mostly when someone try to payment… Paypal or ccAvenue (After Registration) is better option in all countries if you sell only in India then Rozarpay is best option.

If you don’t want register and get public payment than cash on delivery :truck: is best.

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