We’ve got a bit of an issue. We need to figure out how to force IE to open in a new window, when it’s from a desktop shortcut (ie: command line).
Yeah, I know, for everyone out there it does this by default, but we’re working with a different set of tools here, and this set of tools sets it so that IE links open in the same window.
We need to force it to be a new window, process, whatever.
c:\progra~1\intern~1\iexplore.exe “http://www.site.com/”
^^ I had to do the old-school ~1 thing to get around the space issue in the program files and internet explorer directories.
drzoid: In this case, we’re running one application (an IE app) inside a Citrix environment. For that shortcut, we need to pass it a parameter to tell it to open in a new window, because Citrix-deployed IE instances are opened in a CURRENT window by default…
So if a user tries to open 2 Citrix-enabled IE apps, they overwrite each other, normally to disastrous effects.
Vinnie: I think that’s jus ta normal shortcut, right? Not one that specifically opens in a new window? Or am I wrong?