On Virtuozzo

An hosting company offers Virtuozzo control panel
for managing VPS, one has to pay seperately for
the usual cPanel, don’t know much about this Virtuozzo
thing, can it do the job of cPanel?

I’m trying to cut costs by not paying for cPanel(if it’s
not really needed).

Virtuozzo is another server management / control panel if thats what you are meaning - yes. it will allow you to do most of the things you can through cpanel now but it just might take al ittle more finding if you know where stuff is already.

I think the cost of cPanel will be around the same as what you would pay for Virtuozzo. Why not get the industry standard (cPanel) at the same price? Don’t try to cut prices that way.

Actually, Virtuozzo comes free with the plan, but you have to pay for cPanel. Just wondering if I still need to pay for cPanel.

Hi tentim,

Let me clear the difference between cPanel and virtuozzo power panel.
cPanel is the webhosting conrol panel being used to manage to your website, emails, ftp etc.
However virtuozzo power panel is used to manage the vps. Here you go vzpp for more details.