Nutra ads on Facebook

Hi all

I’m trying to get my feet wet with Facebook ads for nutra - supplements (weight loss,muscle gain, etc)

Has anyone here ran such ads ?
If yes, would you be wiling to give me some do’s and dont;s in matter of targeting, visual, and copy?

Facebook is a big platform about business because of here amount of traffic are huge. Some ideas can be helpful for fb ad:

*Do not use audience network, try to do it in your own page
*Here content should be for targeting visitor so that huge amount of traffic can get in.
*Sometime huge audience form different region can be harmful
*Here need to invest but here also need to be limitation or plan how much should spend a day for run an ad.

Why are you against audience network ?!

It is not actually against the audience, sometimes audience can delete links this why i mention here Do not use audience network

Have you worked with nutritionals suplement ads on facebook before ?

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