Need help with Password Regex

How do I modify this so it just requires a minimum Password length of 8 characters, but no maximum?

	if (preg_match(	(?=.{8,15}$)		# Ensure Length is 8-15 Characters
				(?=.*?[A-Z])		# Check for at least 1 Upper-Case
				(?=.*?[a-z])		# Check for at least 1 Lower-Case
				(?=.*?[0-9])		# Check for at least 1 Number
				(?=.*?[\\~\\`\\!\\@\\#\\$\\%\\^\\&\\*\\(\\)\\_\\-\\+\\=\\{\\[\\}\\]\\|\\:\\;\\"\\'\\<\\,\\>\\.\\?\\/\\\\\\\\])	# Check for at least 1 Special-Character

Do I just changes things to this…

	if (preg_match(	(?=.{8, }$)



I have been playing around and came up with this…

	if (preg_match('~(?=.{8, }$)		# Ensure Length is 8 or more Characters
				(?=.*?[A-Z])		# Check for at least 1 Upper-Case
				(?=.*?[a-z])		# Check for at least 1 Lower-Case
				(?=.*?[0-9])		# Check for at least 1 Number
								# Check for at least 1 Special-Character
				(?=.*?[\\~\\`\\!\\@\\#\\$\\%\\^\\&\\*\\(\\)\\_\\-\\+\\=\\{\\[\\}\\]\\|\\:\\;\\"\\'\\<\\,\\>\\.\\?\\/\\\\\\\\])~', $trimmed['newPass1'])){

…but it is not working. :frowning:


I think you forgot to use the “x” mondifier… “~regex~x”

x (PCRE_EXTENDED[COLOR=#000000][FONT=verdana])

[/FONT][/COLOR]If this modifier is set, whitespace data characters in the pattern are totally ignored except when escaped or inside a character class, and characters between an unescaped # outside a character class and the next newline character, inclusive, are also ignored. This is equivalent to Perl’s /x modifier, and makes it possible to include commentary inside complicated patterns. Note, however, that this applies only to data characters. Whitespace characters may never appear within special character sequences in a pattern, for example within the sequence (?( which introduces a conditional subpattern.

I’m trying to piece together stuff from a simpler Regex that has been working…

I tried this, but still no go?!

	if (preg_match('~(?x)			# Comments Mode
				^			# Beginning of String Anchor
				(?=.{8, }$)	# Ensure Length is 8 or more Characters
				(?=.*?[A-Z])	# Check for at least 1 Upper-Case
				(?=.*?[a-z])	# Check for at least 1 Lower-Case
				(?=.*?[0-9])	# Check for at least 1 Number
							# Check for at least 1 Special-Character
				$			# End of String Anchor
				~', $trimmed['newPass1'])){


If all you want is a min of 8 alpha-numeric chars then


$password = "abc33";
$pattern = '/^[\\da-zA-Z]{8,}$/';
$isPasswordValid = preg_match($pattern, $password);
echo $isPasswordValid;  //outputs 0 or 1

The “x” goes at the very end of the regex, after “~”. Without it those comments and whitespace are part of the regex.