MP4 Videos Look Worse in HTML5 Than they do in Flash Player


Just noticed a weird anomaly as we switch our site over to and HTML5 player with flash fallback.

The biggest issue is that the MP4 video seems to have more artifacts, flickers and pixelation when played with HTML5 instead of our usual Flash Video player.

And the video looks different on my friend’s computer than it does on mine; where flash it was always identical.

I can’t figure it out the issue. A common HTML5 video problem with H.264?

Any feedback appreciated.


Can’t say I’ve ever had that issue - are you sure they are both accessing the same video file, and that the embedded player is exactly the same size on screen as the video file resolution - rescaled content might show a difference


It’s odd. Where I just saw a flicker, a buddy of mine, who could watch videos fine through the flash player, saw pixelation, artifacts and jumbled scenery at times. He updated his quicktime and video card adapter and that seemed to resolve the issue.

Either way, the revelation is a bit scary thinking the video quality could depend now on the users CPU settings.


[FONT=Georgia]I’m not sure, but maybe the trouble is which versions of the codecs individual users have. At least with Flash, things are a bit more uniformed.

I remember that’s why I stopped embedding video files and changed over to streaming FLV some years ago.

These days I’m even more lazy and embed from Youtube or Vimeo to save the load on my server. The added bonus is a small amount of social networking from having the Youtube and Vimeo channels.[/FONT]

Yeah, I’m thinking uniformity of the codec and available CPU resources for file processing are the two issues. Still going to run html5 and see what sort of overall feedback we get.


Unfortunately that’s life! No two computers will ever show exactly the same thing.