I’m looking for a WP plugin that will let me create a menu in a sidebar. I’d like a list of main categories, with the sub-categories being displayed when a mouse is hovered over a category. Are there any you guys would recommend?
I’m looking for a WP plugin that will let me create a menu in a sidebar. I’d like a list of main categories, with the sub-categories being displayed when a mouse is hovered over a category. Are there any you guys would recommend?
Are you using an older theme or a custom one? If not see: WordPress Menu User Guide « WordPress Codex
If you are using a custom theme, also see: Navigation Menus « WordPress Codex
WordPress allows for sidebar menus by default via widgets. There are pages, categories and even a specific menu widget available for that purpose which are built into WordPress core.
You can install Simple Sidebar Navigation WP- Plugin
Features Include:
* Flat and multi-level navigation hierarchy for existing pages and custom links.
* Very flexible conditional appearance options (greatly expanded from before 2.0 version).
* Out-of-the-box Suckerfish support.
* Option to add navigation links with custom title, url and target attribute.
* Unlimited number of navigation widgets.
* Optional setting includes blog posts into the navigation selection list (only pages are available by default).
* Support for custom drop-down menus CSS.
No need to a plugin for that IMO. Ironically I created a plugin for exactly that purpose myself, but these days I actually recommend the built in systems instead as they’re far more flexible and there is no real benefit to suckerfish support etc. as you can just roll that directly into your theme instead.