Looking for pdf/ powerpoint/doc platform with good API (PHP or JS) and restriction


I’m looking to incorporate one of the myriad file sharing solutions out there into my web app. I’m feeling a bit inundated with the possibilities and was hoping that someone could help me to limit my search. In particular, I’m looking for a service with:

  1. A good API (PHP or Javascript)
  2. Will allow me to upload other users’ pdfs/docs/powerpoints into my account so that I can serve them through my site.
  3. A Restricted Access implementation (As an example, you can restrict access to Vimeo videos by domain)
  4. An clean viewer for the documents.

Right now I’m using Scribd, but unfortunately it fails 3. — anybody can just look at a person’s code and grab the document_id & access_key and view the document elsewhere.

If anybody has any suggests, they would be appreciated.

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