Looking for a helping hand (Wordpress)

Hi everyone!

I’m looking for a helping hand. Basically I have a design (very simple), and I need a matching *very simple integration of Wordpress into it but I’m stuck.

Here’s the design: layout

And as you can see, I’m not looking to add any sidebar items, or even a navigation bar (at the moment). I JUST want the blog to run inside the predefined space. That’s it. I’ll stylize and CSS the rest of the design, and it’s already CSS cut and ready, I just can’t figure out for the life of me how to put JUST the blog inside that middle column.

If anyone can help (or is willing to just do it), I’d super appreciate it!


To be honest, it looks to me like WP is not the right tool for you. But anyhow, it can be a bit tricky to integrate a design into WordPress. I’ve lost touch with WP (as I stopped using it a few years ago) but at the time I did write up some instructions for doing this, in case they are of use. (They may be out of date now, but they may still give you enough of a guide to figure out how to do it.)

Do you have index.html and css files ready?

Have no fear! Thats an easy job.

Wordpress uses a loop to generate and fill up a website. In the loop you usually have: Header, the_content();, sidebar, footer.

Just leave out everything except the_content part. If you look at codex.wordpress.com you’ll see how you can get the necessary code to make it able to run. You will need code to show wordpress: Hey I’m a template, show that you need the content from the database and than where to display that code.

You need to use the proper template tags. This tutorial may help: [url=http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/wordpress/how-to-create-a-wordpress-theme-from-scratch/]How to Create a Wordpress Theme from Scratch | Nettuts+ [I didn’t actually read it, but it looks like it’s what you need].