Is this a good direction for my education and career?

I’m working on a degree in graphic design. I’m also interested in learning web development. Realistically, I think it would be hard if not impossible to be a master of ALL aspects of design, both print and web, and ALL aspects of web development. Since web design and front-end web development are the most closely related skills related to the two areas, would it be reasonable to think if I focused on learning both of those skills, I could master both well enough to be marketable?

Also, I know most companies have a design team and a development team, but they are separate groups that work on different aspects of a website. The coders do not do the design, and the designers do not do the code. Would there be enough demand for a web designer/front end or UI developer that knows both? Is it practical to learn both? I assume that if I was in charge of the front end development of a website, I should also know as much as possible about SEO. Is that correct? Would it be unrealistic to expect to be able to master web design, front-end web development, and SEO?

Also, I know most companies looking to hire a developer prefer someone with a degree in computer science. If it is necessary, I will consider getting a second degree in CS after completing my graphic design degree. Do you think that would be necessary? How much would a CS degree help me become a better front-end or UI developer? Do I need an engineering degree for the front-end side?

Thank you in advance to anyone with advice.

Short answers :slight_smile:


Yes but you will be strong in one.


I assume that if I was in charge of the front end development of a website, I should also know as much as possible about SEO.Is that correct?
Comes handy

Unrealistic? Yes… everything is possible? yes

It is good to have it.


As much as you want to learn. The more the better.


You’re welcome. This was a piece of cake :smiley:

that was a very explicit answer

I think it’s possible to learn both front end web design and back end development. However, it depends on the way the curriculum of your graphic design degree program is structured. If your degree does not include aspects of web design as well as development, you may need to augment your knowledge by taking additional classes. I don’t think a CS degree is really necessary to fulfill your career goals so long as your degree provides you in-depth training in web programming.

There was an interesting article in the .net magazine the other day on why the gap between Designers and Developers needs to become smaller.
Basically the main message being:

From the article:

Let’s mix things up! Let’s throw our egos over board and move closer together! We need to focus our skills on the things we want to create instead of following obsolete study programs based on long-gone job descriptions. New ideas and better products will inevitably stem from this global approach.

Get rid of the line between design and development: design is development, and development is design.

As for the career advice, it’s hard to say really… I mean you may find yourself in a situation where an employer thinks it’s great that you know a bit of everything, but is concerned whether or not your knowledge is vast enough in your “main field”, whereas other people might follow the advice of the article above and welcome you with open arms. In my current position, I work as a Developer, but I often have to (willingly) design smaller areas / tweaks just to make the code and the design presented to me work out, and that is despite my title being “Web Developer”.

I think no one really knows, but there’s one way to find out, isn’t there? :wink:

you want become a all rounder right.

it is possible to be a master in all aspects. If u do hard work.