Which is pure comedy gold since IE6 on mobile is only two years old and is still the latest version for CE/mobile. Yes, that’s right, two year old windows mobile/CE devices with the browser (and OS) in flash ROM are still stuck on IE 5.5
What? Did you miss the big “6 on 6” party for IE6 finally deploying on Windows Mobile 6 almost four months before the release of IE8? That’s ok, so did everyone else.
But that’s like the people saying “but I have less than xx% visitors from that” – you have to ask “yeah, but is that because there are so few, or because your site behaves like shmutz for those people so they’re going somewhere else that works?”
People say that, but I can’t even use it as my primary desktop OS on modern hardware without ripping my hair out over the half-assed nonsense that puts it a decade or more behind RoW – much less put grandma on it.
YES, because their in-house applications are built using elements of trident that even INSTALLING IE7/newer will break. See all the large corporations that are still running XP with no service packs for the exact same reason (and why ‘ultimate’ has that whole ‘xp mode’ vm bull). Because large corporate IT is SLOW to change – many of them around here still running ASA-400’s and even PDP-11’s because they are so tied to what was installed, and don’t have the $$$ to constantly change their hardware and software every three weeks like some enthusiast in thier basement.
Damned straight, and they (we) can do so without any of that cockamamie IE conditional rubbish bloating out the markup either.
Just look around the ‘help me, help me’ CSS area here on sitepoint for dozens of examples for that weekly – with people throwing fat bloated garbage libraries like mootools and jquery at pages to do CSS’ job, to add stupid animations that do nothing to ‘enhance’ the page while making it take ten times longer to load, and in general make it such a pain in the ass to get at the actual CONTENT (you know, text… and before you go “AAH- WALL OF TEXT” It’s called literacy, try it, it’s nice!) etc, etc, etc…
Hell, take the main index of these forums, ajax for nothing that takes longer than it would take to just serve the entire page flat – but even with the (CHRISTMAS ON A CRACKER) 217+K of javascript it’s an ungodly 83k of markup to deliver 9.9k of plaintext – what the blue blazes is that extra markup even doing apart from wasting processor time server side and wasting bandwidth client-side?!?
You dig in and it’s obvious what’s wrong – endless IE conditional crap (Over a K worth) on a layout that shouldn’t warrant the need for ANY of that, four separate stylesheets without even having media types, static CSS inlined in the markup (with !important because whoever did it is too stupid to understand specificity), static javascript inlined in the markup (way to NOT make use of caching models)… and that’s on a page that doesn’t even HAVE any of the art faygeleh nonsense.
I’m a 80’s new england businessman – that means I will tell you exactly what I think about something without self-censoring. OH noes, you might hurt someone’s feelings. BIG DEAL, that’s how you get things done. As Patton said:
[i]"When I want my men to remember something important, to really make it stick, I give it to them double dirty. It may not sound nice to some bunch of little old ladies at an afternoon tea party, but it helps my soldiers to remember. You can’t run an army without profanity; and it has to be eloquent profanity. An army without profanity couldn’t fight it’s way out of a piss-soaked paper bag.
As for the types of comments I make – Sometimes I just, By God, get carried away with my own eloquence."[/i]
I’m just constantly in awe online at how many little old ladies at the tea party we seem to have. Thin-skinned limp-wristed vegetable-eating tofu-loving metro-sexual wussies who want nothing better than to slap a “I’m ok, you’re ok” sticker on everything (or as Leary would put it, Haiku-writing mother…) (mostly joking, though there are times…)
Status quo FTW – NOT – you see it in the help areas on these forums all the time where people slap the rose coloured glasses on people’s heads, and either tell them don’t worry about a bug as it ‘doesn’t effect enough people’ or worse, try to shoot silver bullet fixes at pages that need to be thrown out and started over. You DARE to mention the other hundred or so bugs or that the markup is flawed to the bone and suddenly it’s “Being hostile” and “nonconstructive”… Sugar coating the truth is not telling the truth – and if you cannot say what you mean you cannot possibly mean what you say. (one thing… one thing…)
Unfortunately I only know ONE such person… the rest I have ever dealt with are a bunch of shmendrik who need a good slap with a wet trout. This is particularly true of ‘designers’ who create elements that have fixed heights and can’t be vertically tiled to fit dynamic content, fixed elements that contain page content which cannot be mixed width dynamic fonts, use color combinations that are insufficient contrast foreground and background to even be legible, design in a manner that doesn’t allow for fluid or semi-fluid layouts, or the dozen other miserable failures at accessibility that plague such work.
It might be very pretty, but if it’s useless to the end user who gives a flying…
Besides, look at the biggest successes on the internet – Google, E-Bay, Amazon, Facebook – not exactly a visual tour-de-force.