I recently made a website .But its speed is not good

Hi i am writing this to point out a problem about blocking js and css in header .I dont have a way to solve it please help .you can review it here

I’m guessing that came from Google Page Speed, they say the same to just about every site.
The site does not seem very slow to me.
If it were mine, I would be more concerned about the validation errors.

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I have only one suggestion to add to SamA74’s…

If you seriously want someone to help with your web page/site, DO NOT hand them minimized HTML, CSS and JS.


Considering the pages source is around 80% CSS the first thing I would do is run that through a linter.

For the amount of content that page has I doubt that most of the CSS is even used.


Hi thanks for your opinion. Yes its google insight .i don’t know much about coding .how to eliminate validation errors .i didn’t even knew about it

Hi thanks .what will be the best solution for it because almost all themes with some flaws

Is it possible to reduce css without changing the look of the site .can you suggest a theme which is better for beginners. Thanks

The Validator will show you where errors exist in the code so you can easily find them and hopefully fix them.

If you find and remove redundant css it should not alter the look.
There are browser plugins that can help find css selectors that are not used on a page.

Where did the theme come from?

Hello .Thanks again i checked it .lots of errors at the moment

Its sydney theme it was listed on wordpress. There found it and made some change .

I tried installing it on my test box. Whilst I’ve not run it through the validator, the Chrome accessibility audit (F12 Dev Tools) throws up a few issues, as you can see.

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Its really interesting but still i cant figure out
Yesterday i used html tidy to eliminate the errors and white spaces .but it altogether changed the look of website

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