I need help getting this easy jquery fadeIn statement correct?

Good morning, I want to fadein with jquery but I dont want to use display none. Cant use opacity 0 because IE scews up my png. So I want to initially hide the image with left:-999em. Im using html.js .faqsnav {left:-999em;} because jquery is too slow to hide it otherwise. So then I need to bring it back to left:96px at the same time it’s fading in. I think I have all the right puzzle peices here I hoping it’s just the wrong format. How should it look? Thanks!

$(document).ready(function() {
$(“.faqsnav”).delay(4000).css( “left”,“96px”, {queue:false} ).fadeIn(200);

ok this seems to work but is it the best way? Seems a little hacky. I also dont want to use display none even via js

$(document).ready(function() {
$(“.faqsnav”).delay(4000).animate({left: ‘96px’},0).css( “display”,“none” ).fadeIn(1000);

slow pokes. OK both of these work. IE scews up the png with the opacity one though

$(document).ready(function() {
$(“.faqsnav”).delay(4000).css( “left”,“96px”).hide().fadeIn(500);


$(document).ready(function() {
$(‘.faqsnav’).delay(3000).css(‘opacity’,0).animate({opacity:1}, 500);