How can I stage my javascript game on my server?

I am new to javascript programming.

I need to figure out how i’m going to stage my javascritp game source on my javascript server. Anyone know how to do that with some detailed helpful steps for a beginner? I am using localhost.

Well JavaScript is a client side technology, aka run by the browser (unless you are using something like node.js which it sounds like you are not since you are new). So all you need to do is upload your web pages to a web host. You can buy a web host account (from a company like bluehost or siteground or even host a site on Amazon) and just upload your HTML/Javascript pages to it. You can also find some free web hosts out there to play around with (they are just not that reliable most of the time or contain ads). Then when users surf to your site, the Javascript game will load on their browsers and they can play.

The whole process isn’t too hard. In conclusion…

  1. Write your javascript on HTML pages
  2. Find a webhost to host your pages
  3. Upload your HTML pages to the webhost
  4. Tell users the URL to find your application
  5. Let users have fun


Thanks this is pretty helpful. But also, I am using node.js but i am still confused. The game I am using is browserquest, and open source game i can deploy on my own on my localhost

I guess The exact info i’m looking for is how do I make the Javascript main.js Work on the HTML. I am new with pairing HTML with javascript. Do you know how I can initialize the whole beginning of my game? Thanks for reply.

If you could go further into detail about step 1 I would very appreciate. Baffled how I am supposed to deploy this on a webpage and make it Execute upon loading the page.

You could host the project as a github page.

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