How can I keep all the logic in combineLatest from this.route.paramMap but add one more condition?

I am changing this.subscription1 = this.route.paramMap to this.subscription2 = combineLatest([this.route.params,this.route.queryParams] and want to keep all the logic as this.subscription1 = this.route.paramMap except want to add one more condition in this.subscription2 = combineLatest([this.route.params,this.route.queryParams] if queryParams has mode “dealNumber” then I want to return of(this.myService.loadDealByNumber(dealNumber)); else I want to return of(this.myService.loadDealById(dealId));

this.subscription1 = this.route.paramMap
        map(params => params.get('deal_id')),        
        mergeMap(dealId => {         
          if (this.dealForm) {
          if (dealId !== 'new') {             
              //Here I want to check if queryParams has mode "dealNumber" then I want to return of(this.myService.loadDealByNumber(dealNumber)); else I want to return of(this.myService.loadDealById(dealId));
          } else {
            return this.abcDealer$.pipe(
              tap((dealer: DealerModel) => {
     this.subscription2 = combineLatest([
      tap(res => console.log('combineLatest - params - queryParams', res)),
      map(([params, queryParams]) => ({
        queryParams }))

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