How can I return Observable of IEmployees with productName from allProducts$ in RXJS?

I want to return Observable from GetEmployeeByID function that has a matching productName from allProducts$:

allProducts$ = this.state$.pipe(
map(x => x.allProducts as IProducts[] || [] as IProducts[]),

GetEmployeeByID(Id: number): Observable<IEmployees> {
  return this.allEmployees$.pipe(
    map(res => <IEmployees>res.find(data => === Id) ?? { id: -1, name: "N/A", email: "N/A", gender: "N/A", productid: -1, productName: "N/A" } as IEmployees),
    switchMap((Employee: IEmployees) => {
       return this.allProducts$.subscribe(allProducts => {
        return of({
          productName: allProducts.find(Product => Product.productid == Employee.productid)?.name
        }) as IEmployees

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