Handling .click() in the Safari browser

Hi all)

Faced with a problem, element.click() event doesn’t work in Safari browser.
Tried various tricks like emulating touch event through a function:

let clickEvent = new Event('click', {
  bubbles: true,
  cancelable: true,
  view: window

Replace play.click(); with play.dispatchEvent(clickEvent);

Added a style to all clickable elements:

cursor: pointer;

I put a check to add the event depending on the platform:

const whatDevice2 = /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent);
let whatEventUse2 = whatDevice2 ? 'touchstart' : 'click';

I need after clicking on the button, to click on the element in the layout.
This works on all platforms and browsers except Safari\IOS.

Here is all the code:

const whatDevice2 = /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent);
let whatEventUse2 = whatDevice2 ? 'touchstart' : 'click';

let play = document.querySelector('#app-2 .cp-play-icon.cp-play-icon-paused');
let originalId = audioPlay2[index].dataset.originalId;
let elementToClick = document.querySelector(#${originalId});
let audioButton = popupElement2.querySelector('a.popup__description_audio');
audioButton.addEventListener(whatEventUse2, () => {
  if (elementToClick.classList.contains('cp-playlist-link_current')) {
    setTimeout(addIdLi2, 0);
  } else {
    { setTimeout(addIdLi2, 0);

Apparently there is some subtlety that I don’t see, and the ways I found on the internet didn’t help.
If anyone has any knowledge in this matter, please give me advice on what to do or point me in the right direction).
I would be glad to have any information, thank you!



You sure your problem is click?

Seems to say you’d get touchstart rather than click…which event is your browser actually binding?

Hi, thanks so much for taking the time to join the dialog))

Yes, I saw that .click() should work without any problem in Safari, but unfortunately it doesn’t work after clicking on the button item.

At first the addEventListener had the ‘click’ event, but I found on the internet that Safari can respond to the touchstart event better than the ‘click’ event.

For this I made a check and addEventListener gets the event depending on the platform it is on.

But, with either touchstart or click all events are handled well except these 2:



So just to be clear - are you testing this on a mobile device?

Okay so your problem isnt in the event, but firing a trigger onto other elements.

What elements (specifically, what type of element) are selected by play and elementToClick? (what happens when you console.log them?)
What events are bound to those elements?

This is what elements are output to the console from the play and elementToClick variables, respectively:

play clicks on the span element
elementToClick click on element li


<span class="cp-play-icon cp-play-icon-paused">
    <div class="cp-play-icon-left" bis_skin_checked="1"></div>
    <div class="cp-play-icon-right" bis_skin_checked="1"></div>
    <div class="cp-play-icon-triangle-1" bis_skin_checked="1"></div>
    <div class="cp-play-icon-triangle-2" bis_skin_checked="1"></div>


<li class="cp-playlist-link_current" id="moskva-siti__direction-vokzal" data-original-id="moskva-siti__direction-vokzal" data-span-text="Москва-сити">
    <div class="cp-playlist-poster" bis_skin_checked="1">
        <div class="cp-playlist-poster__image-container" bis_skin_checked="1">
            <img class="cp-playlist-poster__image" src="https://static.tildacdn.com/tild3162-3632-4666-a633-346364653636/uR_I4mXST-Kb_1.png">
        <div class="cp-playlist-poster__play-container" bis_skin_checked="1">
            <svg class="cp-play-icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="200" height="200">
                <path d="M64.279417 58.009844c0-21.327148 10.62092-39.540533 29.218194-50.118799a56.858178 56.858178 0 0 1 58.265769 0.255926l779.336659 453.969682c18.341348 10.706229 28.748996 28.748996 28.748996 49.905527 0 21.113877-10.407648 39.156645-28.748996 49.820219L151.76338 1015.854735a56.943486 56.943486 0 0 1-58.265769 0.255926 56.303672 56.303672 0 0 1-29.218194-50.161453V58.009844z"> </path>
    <span>Москва-сити </span><span class="cp-playlist-artist"> - 1</span>

javascript - Click event on span or div tag not working safari issue - Stack Overflow

I never understood why you need to trigger a click event.

Take the code which is in the eventhandler of the element you want to click, extract it to a method and call it directly.

This is probably nothing to do with the issue but a span is not allowed to hold div content. A span is an inline element and can only hold other inline elements (even if you set its display to block). You need to use a div instead of a span. If you have not set the span to display:block (or some other display other than inline) you could find that you have no area to click as the divs overflow the span. However as mentioned it should be a div anyway for valid html.

As I said it’s probably nothing al all to do with the issue but won’t do any harm to fix :slight_smile:

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