I’d like to move my email to gMail but I have one concern, security. It appears that gMail can be hacked into, I would move to MS Live but I’m concerned that can be hacked too. Is gMail secure ?
Use a secure password. Then it will be.
Try using a password generator and atleast try the combination of special characters, numbers, capital letters and up to 10+ character long…
That is the solution for your Gmail account, not to get hacked ? That is just common sense. I was expecting different replies
Don’t share your password? The only security you have to worry about with gmail is managing your password.
How come when I was searching for Google Security I came across all these sites mentioning it’s easy to hack into Gmail, etc etc. ?
Its easy when you use crappy passwords that attackers can brute-force. Or if you give your password out, etc. If someone actually is able hack into Google’s servers I think your email account would be the least of their concern.
A secure password goes a long way, but I’d also be careful logging in on untrusted devices/using untrusted accounts, easy enough to steal passwords these days. Google is secure enough in and of himself, communications layer is a much easier target.
Its easy when you use crappy passwords that attackers can brute-force. Or if you give your password out, etc. If someone actually is able hack into Google’s servers I think your email account would be the least of their concern.
I suppose, but maybe they’d want my email account, never know.
Because there’s nothing newsworthy about NOT getting hacked. Like the others say, use a solid password - Gmail is no less secure than any other popular email app out there.
Yeah for sure, Gmail is secure and much better than all other free Email services.
Comparing gmail to other email provider, its far better than any of them…
create your password more than 15 character and include alphabets, digits and capital words…
and remember choose your security answer that is totally different from the question
Hi SiberianHuskey !
Gmail is more secure than any others, you can use Google’s Using 2-step verification to login to your account.
Go to Google Account Settings:
- Turn on 2-step verification
- Enter your primary mobile number and back up phone number, if you have
- You can also have printable codes to login
You will receive a code on your mobile to Log in to your Gmail, its very safe and secure.
Have a nice day!
i had gmail and 3 months ago is was broken, how i can protect it ?
Security is only perceived, I was told once by a wise person. Do everything you can to feel safe until their is reason to think otherwise at lease you will be comfortable. Most any account can and will be hacked, but tightening up your password security by making it complex is a good place to start!