Float won't clear?

Okay I can’t get link on the footer to ignore the float or that’s what I think…


It’s the text that says, “our personal training”

what do you want it to do?

you could add: float:right; or clear:both;

But honestly the HTML is so riddled with errors and inline CSS it’s really hard to diagnose, still I hope that helps.

PS this might help in validating your HTML : http://validator.w3.org/

I want it to appear on the next line, below the social medai images. I tried cleared both and it didnt’ work.

Try this:


The cleared element can’t be an inline element. (widths and heights don’t apply to inline elements either).

Or you could do something like this:

#SocialListFooter + p{

But of course you still need to apply the block display to the anchor if you want dimensions to apply.