Firefox & Chrome different font sizes

Can anyone please explain to me why FireFox and Chrome would be rending font-size differently?

You can check out the site I’m having the issue with here:

As you can see the text on the main page is displayed differently, causing the ‘Read More’ links to sometimes be pushed down (in Chrome) a line making it quite ugly.

Am I going to have to include a conditional statement to load special css if it is Chrome? I’ve never had this issue before.

Thanks :slight_smile:

They look identical to me (FF3/CH5), apart from the normal variations.

Check the default font size settings in your browsers, they mau be set differently.

Something stuck in your browser cache maybe?

can’t beat a restart for fixing things :slight_smile:

I know it made no sense. Anyways, after turning my computer on this morning they were the same. Must have been something that was refreshed on a restart.
