Finally got a career

I doubt many of you will remember me from years and years ago but I tried making web design/development my career choice when I was 16/17 but I never c ould make anything of it. Experience/education was lacking and I bet employers didn’t like that.

Once I graduated Highschool at 18, I didn’t go to college for a year, finally went back as a Criminal Justice major, got my AA, and kept my steady job…with me eventually heading back to my true passion: the internet.

Anyway, I just got hired as a web developer (sub-contracted)…don’t think it would be wise to share my location but it’s a great job and I just wanted to share that with my Sitepoint family :). It’s been a long journey! It’s a great feeling.

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Congrats! Good luck.

Wish we could have a place online where like minded people meet and work with total transparency,I really have some great sites ideas but I know of anyone who can really help and cooperate for the success of all,I wish this forum could bring us such initiatives.

@RyanReese; I remember :slight_smile:
Congratulations! I’m glad you achieved your goal in the end. Hope to see you around more now you’re working in webdev :wink:

Congratulations and hope the committee produced specs allow a free reign for your creativity.

I’m on here everyday, although this CSS forum certainly has improved since my last tenure - it’s more than just Paul now :p. I plan on sticking around. I doubt I will get free reign as far as design goes, since that won’t be my area - although coding I will probably have free reign since I’ll be more of a dedicated front ender.


I don’t know you (yet), but it always nice to hear that someone finds a job he really likes!

Congratulations, Ryan!

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Congratulations! Well done!

Does it have anything to do with the interview that you were telling us about the last time? :slight_smile:

No, that was a fall through. The people never followed through with their talks. I had my resume on Monster/CareerBuilder and they searched a skillset and my name matched up perfectly A company (contractor company for the government) talked to me to make sure I wasn’t going to be a bust - from there they forwarded me to their “client” (government) and after an interview with their IT staff, I got brought on same-day. Put my two weeks in so I’m just riding it out. Start NEXT Monday.

Congratulations, Ryan! Sounds like a well deserved reward for a long sought after goal. Glad to have you in the forums.

Congrats and Luck !

It’s been a long journey!

And here I was thinking you weren’t old enough to have had a long journey. But I guess that’s all relative.

Good on you Ryan. :slight_smile:

Hang fire for our move to Discourse. We’ll have a new Jobs forum where you can advertise for people to help you out with projects.

Been trying to get in this industry since I was 17 so if we think relatively, that’s about 25%ish of my life. Hypothetically if you were 40, that’s 10 years for you.

Thanks everyone :). It was funny that they actually found this place upon google search of my name - Sitepoint got some mini advertising by me :).

And they still hired you? :eek:


Wow it’s a great achievement I believe you will get more success in future as well. Best of luck :slight_smile:

The good outweighed the bad, I guess.

Or you were incredibly good making the bad look good :eyebrow: :stuck_out_tongue:

Bidding you a very good luck.Have a big future ahead.

I certainly remember you, @RyanReese;. It’s pretty much impossible not to remember your CSS madness (in a good way).

PS: And congrats to you!