Hello again

Hello again SitePoint friends. It’s been a while. What’s new with you? How is your business going? Nothing new here expect being a husband and father. I started smoking again, which was a really stupid thing to do. I hope to get off these filthy stink bombs soon. I’m still doing little jobs for free as favors for people. Not making a living doing much of anything. :frowning: I do plan on driving a limo part time. I ended up hating doing that years ago.

So how is the interactive market out there? Does it have any room for old 51 year olds? lol

I’m still here.

I’m still me with the same old struggles. Only now I am learning to count my blessings in the midst of them.

Oh I believe you. It’s very frustrating. :sick:

The trick is to try and ignore the frustrating part as much as you can, and focus on the fun and exciting parts.
And don’t be afraid to say no every once in a while if you feel that a job and/or client may not be for you. Some things just ain’t worth it :slight_smile:

Welcome back :slight_smile:
So why are you looking to do something you know you’ll probably end up hating again?
And started smoking again? Tsk tsk. I just quit a few months back after having smoked for about ten years. I generally don’t really miss it :slight_smile:

I know time flies, but really, 11 years? It didn’t seem that long since you last were here :lol:

I am not sure I will hate it again. Did I hate it in the first place? Perhaps you’re right. I have thought about a career change but no not where I should go.

ScallioXTX I see you’re from the Netherlands. Someone from there just contacted me. He wants to use one of the posters I designed for his school.

Small world, eh? :slight_smile:

Amen to that.

Where is everyone else? Geewwiz. ;):injured::rofl:

Thank you. 11 years ago. :wink:

Yeah, being a husband and a father is awesome! It makes my life mean so much more. SO, keep being a good husband and father. Good luck on finding a job, keep your chin up. If you keep looking you’ll find something. What are your skill sets?


If I didn’t work with people who had no clue what went into design, and was appreciated every so often the hate would not be there. :goof:

That’s not just true for design, it holds for web coding (php, js) as well. Trust me.

I wouldn’t call that nothing! You got married and became a father? Congratulations!

So you remember me as hating it, eh? Ahh, who am I kidding. THERE WAS A LOT OF HATE! :rofl:

Oh, we’re still here. And don’t worry. I hear you and feel your pain. Customers are… customers! And that comes with the good things (when they give you the cash) and the bad things (when they ask for the moon but they don’t want to be charged for it :p)

And of course, they don’t understand anything about design, coding or marketing. And they don’t want to. They just want the result… the one they like, of course :lol:

It doesn’t matter what you do. As Scallio says, the trick in every job is the ignore the annoying and frustrating parts and concentrate on the good stuff :slight_smile: