Originally published at: http://www.sitepoint.com/farewell-disqus-hello-discourse/
It’s hard to believe, but it’s been nearly three months since we relaunched the SitePoint forums on Discourse. We’re very happy with how smooth the process has been, both from a technical and a community standpoint. So happy, in fact, that we’ve decided to take it further.
We’re saying goodbye to the Disqus, the (similarly-named) commenting system we were using for articles, and implementing a WordPress Discourse plugin. Commenting will now take place on our Discourse platform, essentially integrating comment threads into our community. You’ll see the same comment threads on the main SitePoint site, as well as in the forums.
SitePoint began as a community many years ago and grew into a publication. As such we love the idea of a platform that allows us to combine those two aspects in a cohesive way.
So what does it mean for you?
If you are a member of our forum community it means that you’ll be seeing an influx of interesting topics on the forums. If you’re not already a community member, you’ll now have the opportunity to see what it’s all about… seamlessly.
In terms of logistics, it’s pretty simple. The first time you comment on an article you’ll be prompted to log in to Discourse (if you’re not already). If you don’t have an account, you’ll be prompted to create one. You can do that quickly and easily using your email address, a social media account, or GitHub.
Existing comment threads will continue in Disqus for the next 30 days, so you can continue existing discussions before all articles move to the new platform. After the 30-day period ends, we’ll keep those comments on the article.
If you have any questions or concerns about accessing or creating your account, please email forums@sitepoint.com. You can also test out the new commenting system and let us know what you think!