Email Marketing

I send emails out to my customers daily, and it seems as if no one opens my mail, and if they do they don’t click to see the items I have for sale. How do I send a good email? Thank you,

Well that’s a question and a half if ever I heard one!

Firstly - I am assuming you have software which gives you an open rate? Tracking an email open is only possible if people select to view images as you need to trigger a graphic in order to track the open - therefore your open rate will actually be higher than you see in your stats.

Second - the burning question is - if you received that email from someone you didn’t know would you click on it? Be honest?

The best advice is to formulate the email in a way which you feel you would be encouraged to click through - avoid spammy language like FREE, BUY NOW, THE BEST IN THE WORLD, VIAGRA, EVERYTHING IN CAPITALS, LOTS OF EXCLAMATION MARKS!!! Etc etc

Make it simple, honest and have integrity - people respond better to that.

Of course this may all be mute as I have no idea on what you are actually sending! Still - there’s some advice.


If all your emails are about selling something, most customers would stop opening your emails after a couple days; after all, by the third day they already know your email is just about selling them something so they wouldn’t bother to open it. I wouldn’t.

If you are going to send out an email once a day, offer some useful information. Then once in a while, include a line about the latest items for sale on your site. I think an email a day is too much anyhow.

Personally, I wouldn’t solicit business by email; I am paranoid having somebody complain that I am spamming them. Focus on creating good content and drawing in organic traffic.

Why are you sending out email daily? Even the largest sites with the most sophisticated campaigns don’t really get away with this – people don’t want sales that email and aren’t going to act on it either.

Reduce your frequency, improve your creative, setup your analytics and test.

Test everything – the subject line, the sender, the time of day, the creative look, the offer, the products, everything. You can start with the larger items and move on down but the impact should be felt in any part.

Don’t just look at sales either – check open and click rates to see if your emails are starting to have an impact. Look at optout rates to understand what is driving people away and identify if the sales email brings are new faces, or the same loyal ones.

Once a week probably more then enough.

Good chances are your email template is not attractive enough for people to click on.

you should send email once a week,also include some free ebook on certain topic.people will like it!
After winning their trust, send some mail which have max 1 or 2 links related to your product.
hope that helps…

I use a good suject line! And try not to be a spammer when you send out emails. Keep it in the same content that your website is in

Yes, the subject has to be attracting to at least open the message… it may be an interesting article, something users may really need… depends on your target group…

One day is way too much unless you got some daily updates users may really need. But it should be good quality info…

and yes, stats rule…

Use good language, do not use any spam words like free, buy or other. Do not loose your confidence if you are using Email marketing. Send email twice in week to one user.

OMG, no wonder they don’t open the emails. It’s possible that there may be some interesting news from you, say, once per month—if they really like your offerings—but there’s no way I’d open emails from a store every day. It’s too much.

I would offer some type of gifts to get to people to open your emails… What are you selling??

I think you are sending them too soon. Why not slow sown your process?

Hello Friend…

I discuss some Email marketing tips for your email sales letter.

  1. Catch the recipient’s attention during a scan of all the email marketing messages they get every day.

  2. Intrigue the recipient enough that he/she doesn’t delete your message.

  3. Instill curiosity so the recipient decides to take a chance and click on the message.

  4. Get them reading with a headline that demands attention.

  5. Briefly but persuasively make the pitch, prompting the recipient to take action.

  6. Provide links or contact information that make it easy for the recipient to visit your site, email or call you.


Try to send your mails via email marketing services, such as Campaigner, ConstantContact…they have a free trial:-)

Send eMail via PHP List -

Thank you very much for your comment. Last few days I tried a lot finally I found a site named it met my purpose, and I love its interface. I just tried it and I am convinced.

I will prefer you to compose your email marketing campaigns some thing like newsletter systems! that can really allow you to get some respect for your product or item which you are targetting

Currently I have decided to run my campaigns twice a month. I like social sharing and other features like Google Analytics, Google Map etc. of UCRUX, but decided to also try aweber and MailChimp.

I have read regarding suitable days to send out the campaign, it seems Tuesday is the best. What do you suggest?

You can send important uptades more often, but those have to be important updates, otherwise your compaings look like spam.

Start of a week is a good choice, but I don’t see why Monday is worth?

I think Tues is a good starting point and in theory better than Mondays, when people are getting back to email after possibly being away from it for the weekend.

The only way to know for sure what works best is to test sending emails at different days and times and see how your list responds…but you’ll need to grow your list a bit before attempting that.
