Div breaks horizontal menu

I have a horizontal menu on my site

<li><a href=“http://www.dsf” >Contact Us</a></li>
<li><a href=“http://www.dsf” >Forum</a></li>


i want to add this script

<!-- Begin ConveyThis Button –> <script type=“text/javascript”> var conveythis_src = ‘en’; </script> <div class=“conveythis”> <a class=“conveythis_no_drop” title=“Translate” href=“http://freetranslation.translation-services-usa.com/”><span class=“conveythis_button_7”>translator</span></a> </div> <script type=“text/javascript” src=“http://no-stats3.conveythis.com/kern_e2/_v_2_3/javascript/e2_3.js”></script> <!-- End ConveyThis Button –>

onto the menu line - but the div thats included makes the menu start on a new line

how can I add this code to a horizontal menu so it doesnt break ?

Thanks !

making it this

<li><!-- Begin ConveyThis Button –>
<script type=“text/javascript”> var conveythis_src = ‘en’; </script> <div class=“conveythis” style=“display: inline”> <a class=“conveythis_no_drop” title=“Translate” href=“http://freetranslation.translation-services-usa.com/”><span class=“conveythis_button_7”>translator</span></a> </div> <script type=“text/javascript” src=“http://no-stats3.conveythis.com/kern_e2/_v_2_3/javascript/e2_3.js”></script> <!-- End ConveyThis Button –></li>

if so - no it doesnt work

ok, what does the conveythis class do? Try taking out the div, and apply conveythis to the li.

hi ryan
ive tried taking the div out - but then nothing shows except the word ‘translate’
here is the page link


the pictures of the flags dont load without it

ok can you say what you want again? You want the select element and the translate with flags on one line?

Try to add
to that div

well, 1- your select (drop down menu) is in a table, so everything outside that will be on another line. 2- the div with the flags, are wrapped in a <p> (paragraph), so again, a new line. You need to adjust that

Sorry for the silly suggestion before.

You could float the table that holds the select element and then the following content will automatically tag on to the end.


#translate_box table{float:left;margin:-5px 2px 5px 0}
#translate_box a#trigger{clear:both}

That of course assumes there is enough room for it to fit.

yes, i want the flags (translate) script to align horizontally on the menu I have now

as i said

<li><a href=“http://www.dsf” >Contact Us</a></li>
<li><a href=“http://www.dsf” >Forum</a></li>
<li><!-- Begin ConveyThis Button –>
<script type=“text/javascript”> var conveythis_src = ‘en’; </script> <div class=“conveythis”> <a class=“conveythis_no_drop” title=“Translate” href=“http://freetranslation.translation-services-usa.com/”><span class=“conveythis_button_7”>translator</span></a> </div> <script type=“text/javascript” src=“http://no-stats3.conveythis.com/kern_e2/_v_2_3/javascript/e2_3.js”></script> <!-- End ConveyThis Button –></li>

adding the code given goes to a new line, and its the div - but i dont know how to fix it ?
