Definition of website functionality

hi there i’ve been looking around this site and the web but not really come across a good definition of the concept.

I have found this on functionality from ‘HTML Goodies’ but it is from jan 05. Is there anything newer out there?

I think I understand what functionality is but wondered if there was any rules set in stone. but i suppose the web is not made out of stone…

grateful of any help



The details of what the functionality might be for an individual project may be different now than they were in 2005 due to new developments etc but I would’ve thought the actual concept of what constitutes functionality wouldn’t be any different than what’s outlined in that article.

Thanks very much for your reply Tyssen.

I read the article and he’s quite right. Basically, with the excuse of functionality, he’s giving you the rules that will drive any site to success: think about your target public, do what they want you to do (and what thye expect from you) and they way they want you to do it, and the faster, the better!

Yes that article is still valid. Functionality is part of the design on any site, a lot of it is about common sense and making it as easy as possible for users to use the site.

Things like consistent navigation, fast loading pages, and a good clear and consise way of presenting the content spring to mind.

goodluck to you jon